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Social institution paper
Adoption refers to the process where a
person assumes the parenting of another from the person’s biological parents.
Adoption does transfer all responsibilities and rights from the biological
parent. Many people normally choose to adopt, and without adoption, most of the
people’s lives would remain unfulfilled. Life does provide so many memorable
moments, and adoption tends to be a good way for people who do not have
children to get a chance to have a child. Adoption tends to provide people the
opportunity to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives along with their children,
and it also offers children an opportunity in life that was once thought
Literature review
Children need support and nurturing from
healthy, stable, and well-functioning adults. According to Lamb (2012),
adoption tends to be important for infertile couples who seek children and
those children in need of parents. Adoption does have consequences for the
society in areas such as public welfare and mental health. The adopted persons
normally lead lives that are not different from the lives of non-adopted
people. Although they tend to have experiences that are unique to being adopted
and sometimes, the experiences can have an impact on their lives. Adoption,
when done right, tend to be an amazing opportunity for everyone involved and
mostly a child who will be receiving a life that they truly deserve. Lamb
(2012) state that the purpose of adoption is strengthening the families and
enabling adults to have children of the necessary age and sex in the household.
Adoption also helps in maximizing the social standing and the rank of the
family. When a family adopts a child, it usually gives them the feeling of
gratitude. Persons tend to have fulfillment from helping a child who is in need
and mostly for those children who are in serious negative situations.
Adoption tends to be a social
institution aimed at meeting the needs of children who are in need of families.
The well-being of children is normally affected by their relationships with
their parents, parent’s sense of security and competence, and also the presence
of economic and social support for the family. The advantage of selecting
adoption is the ability to be part of the child’s life and also fulfilling the
dream of raising a child. For children, being provided a safe household and
loving parent tend to be a benefit in itself (Fortune & Lal 2000). The most
important thing is that the adopted person knows that they have parents who
love them and the feeling that the child receives knowing they are loved tends
to be immeasurable. Adoption normally provides those couples who did not have
the chance of having children an opportunity of bringing up a child in a loving
and caring family. It is a means in which couples can create a complete family
with father, mother, and children. According to Mustin (2009), adoption also
works to create a good environment where children without parents can enjoy
having a mother or a father and also acquire some of the needs they have in
life such as education and good health.
Adoption is taking into one’s family
through the legal means and raising as one’s child. The functionalism theory
sees the society as being a complex system whose parts work together in
promoting stability and solidarity. Functionalists tend to identify several
functions of families including socialization, reproduction, protection,
emotional support, care, and the assignment of status (Bowie, 2004). The
functionalists do understand people to have universal biological needs like
nourishment, shelter, and protection. The society has shaped institutions and
customs in response to these human needs and all the institution allow for the
maintenance of the social status. In regards to adoption, it tends to provide
the child with a permanent home and also a set of a parent who offers them
nourishment, protecting, guidance, and shelter. The family also treats the
adopted children as they would their biological child. The functionalists tend
to view the family unit as being a construct that fulfills the important
functions and also keeps the society running smoothly (Bowie, 2004). Adoption
tends to keep children out of the orphanage, relieves the government of extra
economic responsibility, and also keeps the children out of the foster homes.
Through adoption, it allows the society to remain stable. Functionalists view
the society as essential in keeping the society running smoothly through
helping to adjust its members. Hence, based on the functionalist view, adoption
tends to reinforce the social institutions such as marriage and structures like
family (Bowie, 2004). It helps in maintaining social order through allowing the
families to obtain a child while improving the conditions of life for the
adopted children.
The family is not just a social group,
but it is a social structure, and a family is a structure that is used in
maintaining order. Therefore, adoption is not a dysfunction of the society as
it helps in providing a safe home for children who are in need.
M (2012). Mothers, fathers, families, and circumstances: factors affecting
children’s adjustment. Appl Dev Sci. 16 (2)
K & Lal, B (2000).The Pacific
Islands: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1. University of Hawaii Press
F (2004). Cross-cultural approaches to
adoption. Psychology Press
T. (2009). Adoption Turns Child's Life
Around - CBS4 Denver, Colorado Breaking News.
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in nursing paper writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for Medicine Essay Writing.
social institution
The family is the most basic social institution found in all
societies. The standard sociological definition of the family is a social group
made up of a group people who get related to each other by bonds of marriage,
blood, law or adoption and who reside together, form an economic unit as well
as reproduce and raise children (Tischler, 2013). This social institution is
made up of at least two adults of both sexes and one or more children, either
own or adopted of the sexually cohabiting adults. The adults in this social
group must maintain a socially approved sexual relationship. This social group
must also be dwelling together and also perform various fundamental roles. The
functions include overseeing the bearing as well as raising of children thus
ensuring continuity of humanity. Another role is economic cooperation in which
the family members are obligated to care for as well as support each other. The
family social group also provides the members with necessary financial
requirements that include shelter, clothing, and food. The two adults who make
up a family are bind together through marriage, blood, law or social norm.
Another role of the household is the sexual satisfaction of the two adults.
Most societies, religions, and other groups regard sexual intercourse between
people who are not legally married to be a taboo. In other societies, kinship
ties in the family also serve as a way through which property gets transferred
or inherited, goods get produced and distributed and also power gets allocated
or inherited. Various principles get used to classify families in sociology.
One of the principles employed is classifying families according to the number
of people living within marriage bonds that include monogamous, polygamous and
polyandrous marriage. The other principle is classifying according to the
choice of spouse. The types in this principle include endogamy and exogamy. The
family also gets categorized into different types according to family
structure. The types in this principle include the nuclear family, extended
family, the lone-parent household, and the reconstituted family.
This critical social group that undertakes fundamental roles
in the society is, however, facing various social issues that threaten its
existence. The social problems include cohabiting, adoption, stepfamilies,
grandparents as parents, gay/lesbian families and also abuse/neglect of family
Step-family gets defined as a household in which at least
one of the adult members has children from a previous relationship or marriage.
Sociologists also refer to this group as reconstituted families. In the modern
society, step-families are common. For instance, in the United States, there
are over 20.6 million stepparents and one out of three Americans get involved
in some way with a reconstituted household (Kornblum, 2011). Step-families get
associated with certain joys and benefits and also various difficulties. One of
the problems is that whereas the biological parent is living elsewhere, their
influence over the child or children remains dominant. Another problem that
arises in step-families is that cooperative relations between divorced persons
get strained when the one or both get remarried. For instance, when an outside
parent insists on visiting the child or children, significant tensions get
involved in mixing with such a newly established household. The other problem
that arises in step-families is that children from different backgrounds get
merged thus causing conflicts because of the varying expectations of the
required behavior within the family. The family members of the reorganized
social group must learn and adapt new relations as stepchildren and
stepparents. Therefore, the family social group is threatened since the family
members do not live together and the group does not remain intact.
Grandparents as Parents
The trend of grandparents raising their grandchildren is so
common in the contemporary world as compared to the ancient past. Various
reasons get attributed to this trend. The primary reason is that the biological
parents of these children are incapable of caring and supporting them. The
parents cannot care for them since some may have died, while others are ill
such as HIV/AIDs, homeless, addicted to drugs, involved in long working hours
or demanding jobs such as military service, or serving a jail term. The problem
of neglect and abuse of children also contributes to grandparents bringing up
their children. In Australia, the incidences of grandparents and
great-grandparents parenting in Indigenous households are very common. The
trend of grandparents raising their children has an adverse impact on the
generation of Indigenous adults because the children gain very little or no
experience about family life. The policy of Indigenous child removal also
causes various social problems to the children. The grandparents raising their
grandchildren also face various challenges that include stress and frustration
due to different norms of child behavior, financial challenges, and also
unexpected responsibilities of parenthood (Henslin, Possamai, Possamai-Inesedy,
Marjoribanks & Elder, 2015).
Same-sex Households
Homosexual (same-sex) families with children have become a
common trend in the contemporary society. Lesbian couples are the most common
same-sex households with children who are as a result of artificial
insemination. Most of the gay couples acquire children by adopting them or
getting then through surrogate mothers. A same-sex family may also get created
when a divorced person takes their children into a new gay or lesbian
relationship. The topic of gay and lesbian families has received tremendous
attention in the recent past as sociologists examine the insights they give
into problems and possibilities presented by the detraditionalized family life.
Same-sex unions and partnerships have been legalized in many nations that
include Netherlands, Canada, Belgium, Sweden, Argentina, some states in the US
(such as New-Jersey, California, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, and New
Hampshire), Norway, etc. Children raised in homosexual families tend to have
certain social issues that include developing a confused sexual identity,
suffering discrimination from children and parents in heterosexual families and
also show a tendency of becoming gays or lesbians themselves (Brym & Lie,
The functionalism theory emphasizes that social structure,
not just personal motivation, produces deviance. Functionalism theory sees the
society as a set of social institutions that carry out certain fundamental
functions so as to ensure continuity. According to the functionalist
perspective, the family undertakes significant tasks that contribute to the
society’s basic requirements as well as assist to perpetuate social order.
Sociologists working in the functionalist tradition consider the nuclear family
as a vital social group that meets specialized roles in the contemporary
society. Today, as the society becomes more industrialized, the family has
become less significant as a social unit of economic cooperation and increased
focus on reproduction, child-rearing as well as socialization.
American sociologist Talcott Parsons described the primary
functions of the family to be primary socialization and personality
stabilization. Primary socialization describes the process by which children
learn and internalize the cultural norms of a society that they belong. The
cultural norms include language, history, and societal values and occur during
the early childhood years thus the family is a vital arena. Personality
stabilization describes the family’s responsibility in helping adult family
members emotionally. According to Parson’s the family assists to stabilize
personalities through the sexual division of labor in the family (Browne,
The family is a critical social group that undertakes
fundamental societal roles. The issues of cohabiting, adoption, stepfamilies,
grandparents as parents, gay/lesbian families and abuse/neglect cause various
social problems to the different family members. In my opinion, the problems of
stepfamilies, grandparents bringing up children and gay or lesbian households
threaten the existence of this social institution.
Browne, K.
(2006): Introducing Sociology for AS
level. Polity.
Brym, R.
J., & Lie, J. (2012): Sociology: Pop
culture to social structure. Cengage Learning.
J. M., Possamai, A. M., Possamai-Inesedy, A. L., Marjoribanks, T., & Elder,
K. (2015): Sociology: A down to earth
approach. Pearson Higher Education AU.
W. (2011): Sociology in a changing world.
Cengage Learning.
H. (2013): Cengage Advantage Books:
Introduction to Sociology. Nelson Education.
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in nursing paper writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for Medicine Essay Writing.
Green Home Design
are various energy and resource saving methods that could be applied to homes.
With the constantly changing environment, it’s vital to be environmentally
aware and put. It’s even more significant when individuals consider how much
money they save by having a green home. These methods are easy and simple
concepts that can be easily implemented. Being aware of energy saving benefits
also helps create a positive atmosphere. This paper discusses eight green home
location is an important factor to consider.
Homes facing west keep the home cool as it reduces sun exposure.
Secondly, a location should not be environmentally sensitive such as flood,
hurricane, and earthquake prone areas. A
home should also allow easy access to public transportation and other
amenities. This reduces consumption of resources and time(Kibert, 2016).
small home is likely to have smaller impacts on the environment compared to
large homes. Houses that are large are likely to require more resources to cool
and heat. It is important to try to keep the place cost effective and
manageable (Kamal & Gani, 2016).
Energy Efficient Equipment
Energy Efficient Equipments are considered
environmental friendly by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Choosing ENERGY STAR or other well-known
label for energy star appliances for homes has a positive impact on the
environment without compromising performance (Kamal & Gani, 2016).
Proper Insulation
insulation is a factor to consider when building a green home. Heating and
cooling take a significant percentage of homes’ energy consumption. Air leaks
such as many windows, door and ducts are responsible for home’s heat loss.
Cooling and heating of a home’s interior space air should not go to waste
through improper insulation. Proper insulation does not only reduce energy
consumption but also brings down electricity bills considerably (Kamal &
Gani, 2016).
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
is important to reduce the need for buying products that are not considered
environment-friendly. Old materials such as wood floors, windows, doors can be
reused. Additionally, recycled materials such as aluminum, recycled tiles,
recycled glass, recycled plastic and reclaimed lumber can be used in the green
home building (Van & Cowan, 2013).
Use of Sustainable Building
products can reduce the effect of construction on the surrounding environment.
Every part of the house such as building material, roofing material, counters,
cabinet and insulation to flooring should be eco-friendly. Products such as
reclaimed lumber or natural products such as linoleum, cork, and bamboo are
environmentally friendly (Van & Cowan, 2013).
Install Solar Panels and
Programmable Thermostat
Solar energy is a form of a renewable and
clean source of energy. Solar panels utilize the natural power and save energy
in the long-term. Home location, as well as the construction of solar panels,
can determine how much power can be collected. Taking advantage of solar power
brings down energy consumption to the utility company. Also, government
incentives, grants and tax breaks are huge benefit users of solar power in
homes (Darwish, 2014).
Rainwater Harvesting Systems and
Tankless Water Heaters
rainwater harvesting system allows collection of rainwater from roofs and
subsequent storage. Collected water can then be utilized for numerous purposes.
With tankless water heaters, there is no need to wait for water to get heated.
Tankless water heaters use electric coils to heat only water that is required.
This eliminates excess energy costs and eliminates the need for hot water tank
(Panigrahi et al., 2014).
Efficient Landscaping
landscaping can allow a home to have direct sunlight through windows. Planting trees on the western and southern
side of a home can keep the home cooler as it blocks sunlight from falling
directly on the house. During winter,
trees are likely to lose their leaves and allow more sunlight to reach the
A. S. (2014). Eco-Friendly Buildings: the central factor in transitioning to a
Green Economy. International Journal of Environment and Sustainability (IJES),
M., & Gani, M. O. (2016). A Critical Review on Importance of Eco-structure
Building or Green Building in Bangladesh. International Journal of Business
Administration, 7(3), p166.
C. J. (2016). Sustainable construction: green building design and delivery. John
Wiley & Sons.
S., Ali, S. M., Dash, R., & Praveen, C. S. (2014). Constructional
development of green building for the sustainable eco-friendly environment.
der Ryn, S., & Cowan, S. (2013). Ecological design. Island Press.
The important
topic of euthanasia, as well as physician, assisted suicide has received
support and criticisms in equal measure on whether they are morally
permissible. Euthanasia refers to the intentional act to commit suicide or an
intentional omission to lengthen the life of an incurable patient in their
interest or so as to benefit them. Physician-assisted suicide refers to the
intentional action in which a medical practitioner provides medications or
other interventions to a patient with the clear understanding that the patient
will use them to end their life.
Physician-assisted suicide is already legalized in states such as
Oregon, Vermont, California and Washington that have enacted death with dignity
statutes. Physician-assisted suicide is also legalized in Montana by state Supreme
Court ruling. In this paper, I employ various moral dimensions to argue that
physician-assisted suicide should be legalized in the US.
II. First argument
The principle of
autonomy justifies the legalization of physician-assisted death. The principle
of autonomy requires that patients must be permitted to make a decision on when
it is appropriate to commit suicide through physician-assisted suicide. This
principle is one of the fundamental principles of medical ethics, thus of great
importance and should be respected. The patients wanting to commit suicide may
want to do so because of severe suffering caused by terminal illness. Patients
suffering from terminal diseases have a right to decide not to hurt (Mitchell,
Ben, 69). Proponents of physician-assisted suicide argue that suffering is evil
hence the act is necessary to eliminate suffering and pain. Therefore,
permitting assisted suicide so as only to end suffering is necessary, and those
suffering have a right to end their suffering by committing suicide.
Considering that these patients have no specialized or well-trained knowledge
of committing suicide, they, therefore, are dependent on physicians to give
them a successful approach to ending their lives.
III. Objection to the first argument
The first
argument, however, does not work, and not all the premises are justifiable, and
all combined cannot result in a suitable conclusion. For instance, technical
training is not an appropriate reason to state why a physician must assist a
patient in ending their lives. There are numerous other effective approaches
available on the internet and other sources that can result in successful
suicide. It thus does not require any training. Also, the principle of autonomy
is not an absolute human good and has several limitations due to several
factors in healthcare. One is the disparity of knowledge as well as the
clinical judgment of the patient. Two, suffering is not insurmountable although
it is a severe problem. Most of the patients who want to end their lives
because of suffering usually mean physical pain which is treatable. Several
powerful analgesics and pain management interventions assist in managing pain.
IV. Reply to the objection
This objection
is, however, wrong since the principle of autonomy is concerned on patient
empowerment, choice as well as human dignity. These three values cannot be
achieved if the principle is limited. Although the physician agrees to assist,
the decision is solely made by the patient. Also, unlike most other means of
committing suicide available on the internet, physician-assisted suicide is not
painful. In countries that have permitted the physician-assisted suicide, the
Death with Dignity law ensures that the process is voluntary and no one gets
obligated to use the laws. When the physician prescribes the medication, the
patient is the only one “who can decide if and when they want to take the
prescribed medication” (Death with Dignity).
V. Second argument
The principle
beneficence in medical ethics requires that physicians further the well-being
of patients. Therefore, if living creates more pain and suffering as compared
to death, then physician-assisted suicide should be permitted. If death is the
lesser evil to a situation, a physician is permitted to give a patient morphine
for pain relief, even though they understand that it hasten the patient’s
death. Also, physicians cannot allow a patient to starve themselves to death or
use other cruel methods of committing suicide. It is the duty of the doctor to
examine the patient other appropriate palliative care options besides stopping
to eat and drink. The physicians actively assist a patient to starve themselves
by prescribing a sedative known as terminal sedation so as to reduce the
discomfort associated with starving and dehydration (Grohol, John).
VI. Objection to the second argument
This argument
is, however, wrong since doctors have a duty to do good at all times and must
not involve themselves with the death of a patient, even when a patient
requests for it. However, actively assisting a patient to shorten their lives
makes them a killer. Kamm, Frances Myrna argues that when a doctor prescribes
morphine to produce pain relief and also foresees with certainty that the
patient will die, this should be considered as a killing case, even though the
physician did not intend the death.
VII. Objection
The principle of
beneficence does not violate the patient’s right not to be killed since the
legalization of physician-assisted suicide gives clear guidelines top protect
the patient and the doctor. Also, the “law does not coerce or compel a
physician to prescribe fatal doses of medication to aid in the death of
patient” (Pies, Ronald). Therefore if the law is passed, they will be required
to do it for the benefit of patients.
VIII. Conclusion
The paper
comprehensively argues that physician-assisted suicide should be permitted in
the US. The principle of autonomy gives a terminally-ill patient who is mentally
competent (that is not psychotic, delirious or severely depressed) the right to
make a decision to commit suicide. The principle of beneficence protects the
doctor of such a patient in assisting in death for the benefit of the patient.
Therefore, assisted suicide should be legalized in all states in America.
Death with Dignity: How to Access and Use Death with Dignity Laws (2016)
Grohol, John. Death with Dignity: Why I Don’t Want
to Have to Starve Myself to Death (2012):
Kamm, Frances Myrna. "A Right to Choose Death?." Boston review 22.3 (1997).
Mitchell, Ben “Why Doctors Must Not Be Complicit in
Killing Their Patients” (2015): p. 69-71
Pies, Ronald: Physician-Assisted Suicide: Why
Medical Ethics Must Sometimes Trump the Patient’s Choice (2012)
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in nursing paper writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for Medicine Essay Writing.
Health economic
health care economy is a topic that attracts special interest due to the
significance of health to the US economy. Additionally, it is a profound effect
on healthcare provision to individuals and ultimate well-being of the
population. On the other hand, explicit allocation of resources in the health
care industry has become a source of conflict among different stakeholders.
Different economic factors in health system significantly determine the effectiveness
of health care delivery and well-being of a population. Numerous issues have
motivated the ongoing healthcare reforms. To gain a better understanding of
health care system, it is important to understand different aspects of
healthcare economics. This paper discusses the demand for health and supply of
insurance in order to determine how ongoing health insurance policies affect
demand for health care.
Health insurance policies affect
demand for health care
Affordable Care Act increased access to health insurance coverage to many
previously uninsured individuals. These efforts were expected to increase
demand for hospital and physician services as a result of expanded access to
providers necessary to accommodate the expected increase in demand. There were
differing views on the increases of the scale arising from the policy. The purpose of the Act was to achieve
improved quality, better access and greater efficiency particularly for
uninsured individuals, low-income people, and individuals with previous low
access to insurance. Various researchers have conducted studies on the impact
of insurance on demand for medical services.
to Dong (2013), the demand for medical care is affected substantially by the
growth of health insurance. The study shows that as the out-of-pocket price
increases, the demand for medical care decreases. Consumers of healthcare
attempt to minimize their expenses by making less frequent visits to their
healthcare providers (Dong, 2013). Additionally, the author finds that
deductible reduced the demand for medical services. As a result, the amount of
health care consumed increases as deductible and coinsurance rates decrease.
is important to determine the relation between the quantity of medical services
and utility in order to derive the demand curve for medical care. In this case,
the stock of health should be viewed as a durable good that produces utility.
The law of diminishing marginal utility applies to healthcare. Intermediate
factors appearing between are not considered in the assessment. Accordingly, an
incremental improvement in health results in a small addition to total utility.
Thus, health care generates utility. As a result, utility can is specified as a
function of the quantity of medical care.
At a particular market price, consumers determine the right combination
of goods and services to pay for using their fixed incomes. These include medical care. Microeconomic theorists hold that consumers
choose the bundle of goods and services that are likely to maximize utility.
to studies, there are various factors associated with insurance that affect the
demand for services. Risk-averse persons are more likely to pay for insurance
to provide protection against possible future losses related to illnesses.
Among large sources of uncertainties, affecting families include medical
expenses. On the other hand, this is one
type of uncertainties that insurance companies are suited to address. Thus, the
decision regarding health services is based on various factors including risk
preferences, availability of services and cost. Insurance coverage is also a
key factor in determining about the type of care to seek and the stage of
need. Accordingly, people with insurance
are more likely to use primary care given that they do not incur a direct
monetary cost for such service. Similarly, those without insurance are more
likely to end up being hospitalized or tend to seek emergency care as they may
seek healthcare at an acute stage.
(2011) observed that patterns of health care utilization have changed since
health care reform. A preliminary
analysis conducted using outpatient data, hospital discharge data and ER data
from that state suggest that the likelihood that a hospital visitor was an ER
visit or outpatient decreased for people who got insurance coverage during or
after health reforms. The findings show that individuals who gained insurance
coverage increasingly substituted away from hospital care towards care received
in local clinics and physicians’ offices (Rosenbaum, 2011).
study also showed that insured tend to be those with observed and unobserved
traits correlated with lower health risk. Observed traits correlated with lower
health risks include higher education while unobserved traits being such as
greater health-consciousness. In either
case, this means that insured people have observed and unobserved
characteristics that are associated with demand for medical care. Another
factor is that health insurance reduces the price of health care. Thus, other
things equal, insured individuals tend to utilize more health care services.
For example, a person who is indifferent between utilizing and not utilizing
particular medical service at uninsured rates is likely to utilize it if they have
the context of health insurance, research about moral hazard is relatively
scanty. Moral hazard is well researched
in other insurance contexts that entail adverse health outcomes. For example,
Kiil & Houlberg (2014) suggest that there is an increase in workplace
injury when employees’ injury compensation is high and an increase in motor
vehicle accidents linked with generous car insurance (Kiil & Houlberg,
2014). Intuitively, individuals covered by health insurance are likely to
engage in less healthy behavior given that it lowers the emotional and monetary
cost of the resulting negative health outcomes hence providing a safety net.
example, a person with a chronic disease is more likely to rely on medication
rather than behavioral improvement once drugs become cheaper. This is also true
for health insurance where the impacts of behavioral improvement show up
gradually and in a less perceptible manner than medication (Hofer et al.,
2011). A policy implication that mandates insurance coverage to enhance the
health status of a targeted population may not be fully efficient. In part, the
effectiveness depends on how much people substitute medication for behavioral
improvement. For example, an assessment on the impact of mandates in some
states that necessitate health insurance companies to cover diabetes treatment
without a corresponding increase in premium shows a similar perspective (Hofer
et al., 2011). The study suggests that such mandates produce strong
disincentives for peoples’ behavioral prevention and steadily increase the
patients’ BMI in the states affected. The result is associated with not
engaging in good diet and physical exercise (Kolstad & Kowalski,
2012). Consequently, distinguishing
between the two impacts may help further uncover relevant policy parameters.
the underlying impact of health insurance on medical utilization and health
behavior is important in controlling for potential adverse or advantageous
selection effects. For example, if more risk-averse individuals or more
health-conscious self-select into the insured group, or if the provider
successfully selects the group of individuals with healthier habits through
price discrimination, then it is likely that the insured will have healthier
behavior. The result is a downward bias in the expected insurance impact on
unhealthy behavior (Blumberg et al., 2012). In the same way, if the insurance
service provider has observed or unobserved traits that are negatively or
positively correlated with medical utilization, then estimations of the
insurance effects on medical
Different studies show that medical
services utilization is a function of endogenous health insurance as well as
health behavior. Additionally, Health behavior is a function of the various
insurance decisions. The health insurance equation changes in availability or
cost of health insurance causes an increase in the use of health care. People purchase health insurances mainly
because they prefer the certainty of small premium to paying large medical
bills that characterize the risk of illnesses and injuries (Baker, 2011).However,
additional health care consumed by individuals as a result of the low cost of
medical services is not equivalent to the cost of producing it. As a result,
economists have promoted policies such as managed care and copayments to
minimize consumption of the additional care.
Insurance is one of the factors in a health system that significantly
determines the effectiveness of health care delivery and well-being of a
population. Identifying the underlying impact of health insurance on medical
utilization is important in controlling for potential adverse or advantageous
selection effects. Patterns of health care utilization have changed since
health care reform. Insured individuals
tend to be those with observed and unobserved traits correlated with lower
health risk. Observed traits correlated with lower health risks include higher
education while unobserved traits being such as greater
health-consciousness. This means that
insured people have observed and unobserved characteristics that are associated
with demand for medical care. Thus, the decision regarding health services is
based on various factors including risk preferences, availability of services
and cost. Insurance coverage is also a key factor in determining the type of
care to seek and the stage of need.
V., Holly, A., & Mistretta, A. (2016). Disentangling adverse selection,
moral hazard, and supply induced demand: An empirical analysis of the demand
for healthcare services.
Y. (2013). How Health Insurance Affects Health Care Demand—A Structural
Analysis Of Behavioral Moral Hazard And Adverse Selection. Economic Inquiry,
51(2), 1324-1344.
A., & Houlberg, K. (2014). How does copayment for health care services
affect demand, health, and redistribution? A systematic review of the empirical
evidence from 1990 to 2011. The European Journal of Health Economics, 15(8),
S. (2011). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: implications for
public health policy and practice. Public Health Reports, 130-135.
A. N., Abraham, J., & Moscovice, I. (2011). Expansion of coverage under the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and primary care utilization.
Milbank Quarterly, 89(1), 69-89.
L. J., Buettgens, M., Feder, J., & Holahan, J. (2012). Why employers will continue
to provide health insurance: the impact of the Affordable Care Act. INQUIRY:
The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 49(2),
T. (2011). Health insurance, risk, and responsibility after the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act. University of Pennsylvania Law Review,
J. T., & Kowalski, A. E. (2012). The impact of health care reform on
hospital and preventive care: evidence from Massachusetts. Journal of Public
Economics, 96(11), 909-929.
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in nursing paper writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for Medicine Essay Writing.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Tendencies and Perspectives of the Marriage Rate in Russia
Tendencies and Perspectives of the
Marriage Rate in Russia
Human reproduction defines the national
population, and it is only instituted with the existence of marriages. Marriage
is defined with the aim of reproducing, however, the validity of marriages in
Russia is a concern to the fact that the rate at which unofficial marriages are
occurring is overwhelming the official marriage and this has led to many divorces
in proportion to marriage. The children population being born out of wedding
log is increasing. The journal presents the views and the perceptions that
regard all the observations about the marriage rate in Russia (Khairullina,
Nursafa, et al., 2016). The tendencies in the current early age marriages are
influenced by the changing morals and values in the youth population. The
cultural values of the society that were observed to abide the marriage
institution have failed to get implemented and this has led to making own
choices without involving the potential institutions such as churches and
parents in decision making.
The law seems to state the minimum age
for valid marriages, but the custom is not observed such that the youth are
becoming secretive with the fact that they are being self-centered and don’t
mind sharing their wishes and desires with the older people who are defined
with wisdom. It is ideal that some measures get put in place to make sure that
the current observed perceptions and tendencies are handled to save the
marriage institution which is defined as having children to maintain the
population. The spirit of official marriages should be revived to curb on
unofficial marriages and children being born out of wedding log. Also, the moral
family values should get strengthened to facilitate an upright society.
Nursafa G. et al. (2016). Tendencies and Perspectives of the Marriage Rate in
Russia, Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, (Volume VII,
Spring), 2(16): 248 – 259, doi:10.14505/jarle.v7.2(16).08.
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in best nursing writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for custom nursing papers.
Project Management
A project manager may
not be necessarily a project leader. Both leaders and managers are
professionals who are required to conduct planning, execution, and
implementation of a project. Both managers and leaders are in charge of a
project team. However, they defer in how they carry out their roles. This paper
discusses factors that set apart a leader from just a Project Managers.
is a difference between the project leader and a project manager. A project
manager is a person responsible for coordinating and directing and
resources. Project managers have the
responsibilities to understand and observe their impact on the project as
change agents. Often, a project leadership is so focused on the day-to-day
activities of carrying out their project objectives that the impact on the
business is not readily apparent. On the
other hand, a project leader is an individual who genuinely leads people in the
project. Leaders have a vision and are able to get people signed in to the
vision and engaged. It means that in one project manager can also be a project
leader. Managers focus on plans, tactics, and budgeting by organizing and
obtaining resources, exerting control over situations; and solving problems
while leaders focus on the strategic aspect by setting direction, aligning
resources; and empowering and inspiring.
Leadership versus project
management and leadership skills inherently share some similar characteristics.
They are inherent qualities inexorably linked to a manager or a leader. Whereas
leaders serve to inspire and motivate, manager exists to plan, organize and
coordinate. A manager is responsible for
communicating organization’s rules and philosophies and ensuring that
individuals abide by them. For managers, relationships that exist with
employees are influenced by a hierarchical management system.
Managers are responsible for maintaining the day to day operations of the
organization in order for the cogs of operations remain well-oiled. Managers
are often more focused on the bottom line and can base their decisions on
calculations. Good project managers serve to enforce the execution of project
requirements. In contrast, leaders focus on interpersonal relationships.
Project leaders base their decisions on reports and assess the entire project
situation to determine most appropriate strategies. A project leader will also
be willing to ignore the bottom line and focus on the projects long-range
growth perspective. A project leader is a fearless innovator who takes high
risks in search of high rewards and challenges the status quo (Howell et al.,
key characteristic of a manager is that their authority emanates from the
nature of their role. They focus on routine tasks, ensure work gets done,
ensure work gets done and manage the activities of others. Their focus is on
tactical activities and is likely to have a more directive and controlling
approach. Being tactical is not always a negative approach as the skill set is
greatly needed for a project particularly in a fast paced environment. The
ability to organize people to complete tasks is a great asset.
be a project leader, it is important to be more strategically focused instead
of directing through tasks, leaders inspire, motivate followers to drive
themselves. Leaders are adept in the use of Emotional Intelligence and employ
it so as to attain the best.While project managers attain their authority based
on their role, the authorities of leaders are innate in their approach.
Effective leadership skills are not easy to learn given that they are more
behavioral in nature compared to the skills needed for managers. Leaders employ
a wide range of soft skills that, if unknown, these skills can be very
difficult to master (Cleland & Ireland, 2006). Leaders are also
significantly focused on change. They recognize that continuous improvement can
be attained in followers and their activities can be a substantial step towards
continued improvement.
managers manage the project and do not necessarily lead it. This means that
project managers are very rational and task-oriented. They largely focus on
processes and events such as allocating resources, calculating effort,
reporting progress and estimating duration. The way they manage the project
team is one based on authority. The management approach has been regarded as a
“push” approach as they generally tell people what to do. Leadership is
regarded as a “pull” approach. Project leadership is quite different as it is
more people focused.
don’t just tell followers what to do rather motivate and inspire them by
appealing to them at an individual level to ensure achievement of the overall
vision. Leaders are more inspirational and visionary and do not an emphasis on
skill-centric approaches to completing tasks. Another perspective of looking at
the difference between project management and leadership is that project
management is very finite and definite (Clarke, 2009). L. There is a right, and
a wrong way to follow, and the project manager uphold that. By contrast,
leadership is much more open. Project leaders empower people, ask questions,
and listen to people rather than just dictating what is expected of them.
project leaders and managers defer in skills, training, experience and other
factors. Leaders have a vision and are able to get people signed in to the
vision and engaged. Project managers manage the project and do not necessarily
lead it. This means that project managers are very rational and
task-oriented. A project manager can
also be a project leader.
P. A. (2009). Leadership, beyond project management. Industrial and Commercial
Training, 41(4), 187-194.
D. L., & Ireland, L. R. (2006). Project management. McGraw-Hill
G., Macomber, H., Koskela, L., & Draper, J. (2004, August). Leadership and
project management: time for a shift from Fayol to Flores. In Proceedings of
the 12th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction
(IGLC-12) (pp. 22-29).
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in best nursing writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for custom nursing papers.
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