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Thursday, March 28, 2019
Dangers of smoking
Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) recommends that cigarette manufacturers
include warnings that caution consumers of the dangers of smoking. The
provision of warnings strives to ensure that the consumer is aware of the
dangers of smoking prior to purchasing and using the product. In the claim
selected, the cigarette manufacturers warn nonsmokers that they are at risk of
acquiring lung diseases because of inhaling second-hand smoke. The claim
demonstrates that nonsmokers are at risk of smoking-related diseases just like
the smokers. The claim illustrates that it is possible for nonsmokers to be
affected by tobacco smoke as it is puffed off by nonsmokers.
Specifically, the
claim indicates that nonsmokers are at risk of lung diseases. Nonsmokers who
inhale the tobacco smoke are likely to acquire lung diseases such as chronic
bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer. Indirectly, the claim acts as a warning
to nonsmokers. The claim warns non-smokers to avoid areas where tobacco
inhalation is high as they would experience significant health risks. The claim
further indicates that the lung diseases would be fatal.
Supporting Articles
to Fanny & David (2011), air pollution increases the risk of lung diseases
such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The authors conduct a
comprehensive analysis of review where they highlight the different research
studies that associate air pollution with the development of COPD. The authors
also conduct a comprehensive analysis of indoor and outdoor air pollution. The
authors indicate that exposure to outdoor pollution is inevitable since human
beings are generally outdoor persons. However, the exposure to indoor
pollutants includes exposure to second-hand smoking. Specifically, the authors
address the exposure to environmental tobacco smoke exposure. The authors
acknowledge that environmental tobacco smoke exposure is a leading risk factor
for lung cancer, chronic symptoms and low pulmonary functions. The authors
review various large scale studies that demonstrate a significant association
between outdoor air pollution and COPD admissions.
(2000) also conducts a review of epidemiological studies that attempt to show a
relation between lung cancer and non-smokers. Specifically, the authors review
epidemiological studies that demonstrate the high occurrence of lung cancer
among women living with husbands who are cigarette smokers. The study demonstrates
that women married to husbands who are smokers experience a significant risk of
lung diseases due to inhalations of environmental tobacco exposure. The authors
also analyze epidemiological studies that demonstrate that a high exposure to
tobacco smokers (at the workplace) can expose nonsmokers to the threat of lung
et al. (2013) conducts a descriptive scientific study to establish the
existence of third-hand tobacco smoke and its relation to the occurrence of
lung cancer to nonsmokers. The authors describe third-hand tobacco smoke as
tobacco-specific substances that remain on surfaces and dusty areas after
people have smoked. The authors gathered random participants who lived in homes
where a family member smoked tobacco. The authors also included participants
who were active smokers; a fact that the author verified using a urine cotinine
test strip. The author used descriptive statistics to calculate the
smoking-related variable. The mean and median were also used to calculate the
existence of the tobacco carcinogen (NNK).
The authors analyzed the surfaces of homes of
smokers and nonsmokers and discovered the presence of a powerful
tobacco-specific lung carcinogen (NNK) that exposes non-smokers to the risk of
lung cancer. The authors put in the spotlight smokers and how their smoking
tendencies can affect non-smokers around them. The study also calls for
potential home buyers to determine whether a home has NNK or not so as to
minimize the risk of lung diseases and other tobacco related complications.
health claim on the association of secondhand tobacco inhalation to fatal lung
diseases is true. Scientific studies have proven the existence of tobacco
particles that nonsmokers inhale when in the presence of smokers. The claim can
inform a public-health intervention to minimize the exposure of nonsmokers to
secondhand smoking. Legislators can pass a bill that requires public areas such
as restaurants and offices to demarcate smoking zones for smokers. The
demarcation of smoking zones ensures that nonsmokers do not inhale the tobacco.
Additionally, states can begin statewide campaigns against tobacco smoking, in
enclosed areas. Smoking in enclosed areas results to the tobacco sediments
settling on surfaces, as well as the pollution of the air. Tobacco smoking
indoors increases the risk of secondhand smoking compared to outdoor smoking.
The campaign will focus on encouraging smokers to puff their cigarettes
outdoors. The campaign will be supported by adequate information on the risk of
indoor smoking. The campaign will focus on smokers who smoke within their homes
thus expose nonsmokers including their children to the negative outcomes of
secondhand smoke.
K. G. (2000). Lung cancer and environmental tobacco smoke. Environmental Health
Perspectives Supplements, 107885.
W. & David, S. (2011). Air pollution and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. Journal of the Asian Pacific Society of Respiratory. Vol. 17:395-401.
J. L., Hecht, S. S., Luo, X., Ming, X., Ahluwalia, J. S., & Carmella, S. G.
(2014). Third Hand Tobacco Smoke: A Tobacco-Specific Lung Carcinogen on
Surfaces in Smokers’ Homes. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 16(1), 26-32.
Carolyn Morgan is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my nursing research paper services. If you need a similar paper you can place your order from essay already written services.
Professional Roles and Values
nursing, regulatory agencies such as the Board of Nursing (BRN) and
professionals nursing organizations differ in several ways. Regulatory agencies
standardize the function of nurses in their different healthcare settings.
Regulatory agencies ascertain that nurses adhere to the regulations and ethical
codes of nursing practice. The board thus gives licenses that certify nurses to
provide nursing services. Nurses join a professional nursing organization so as
to remain updated on any changes that take place in the nursing profession.
Personally, I am a member of the American Nurses Association (ANA).
As a member
of the Association, I am able to network with other nurses thus acquire
knowledge based on their experience of handling different issues (American
Nursing Association, 2014). Overall, regulatory agencies ensure that I execute
nursing activities within the standards of safe nursing while professionals
nursing associations emphasize on professionals growth of the nurse.
nurse code of ethics influences nursing practice in various ways. The code of
ethics contains several provisions that give nurses directions, in relation to
their daily nursing engagement. Provision three has a significant influence on
my nursing practice. The provision advocates for the protection of patient’s
safety, health and rights during the delivery of nursing services. The
provision pushes me to put the interests of the patient first. I ensure that
patients receive medication quickly so as to minimize the pain and discomfort
that they could be experiencing. I also strive to ensure that patients receive
the right medication and the right dosage. I also ensure that I keep the
patient and his family informed on any medication or any development in the
patient’s health. I believe that the patient must be involved in the treatment
process so that he can also participate in decision-making, in relation to his
care and wellbeing. I am also influenced by provision eight that emphasizes on
the collaboration in the delivery of healthcare services. I believe in
consulting and seeking medical advice from my peers especially when making
life-changing decisions about a patient (Debnath, 2009). The provision has
enabled me to embrace the teamwork spirit that is essential to the provision of
critical healthcare services.
working in a multidisciplinary team must possess critical professional traits
that would enhance their performance in the team. Personally, I will introduce the
professional trait of teamwork. Healthcare professionals specialize in their
specific fields and thus may find it difficult to ignore their proficiencies
and work as a team. I intend to use my interpersonal skills and teamwork spirit
to motivate members of the multidisciplinary team to abandon their differences
and work as a unit (Debnath, 2009). I will also emphasize on confidentiality
and privacy especially when handling patient information. The skill of
confidentiality is critical as it enables the nurse to build patient’s trust.
Patient confide in healthcare professionals who they are certain will keep
their medical information confidential. I will also introduce the professional
skill of responsibility. I will ensure that the multidisciplinary team understands
that they are responsible for the health and wellbeing of patients.
are interrelated concepts that strive to explain an observable fact.
Personally, I have been influenced by Abdella’s patient-centered nursing. The
theory emphasizes on taking a patient-centered approach to the provision of
patient care. The theory was proposed by Abdella Henderson, who argued that the
provision of healthcare should focus attaining the health requirements of the
patient. Additionally, Abdella recommends looking into the physical,
psychological, spiritual and emotional needs of the patient. Abdella calls
nurses to strive to understand the patient at a personal level and hence
acquire their understanding of his health problems. Additionally, nurses who understand
their patients can work with the patient in developing a healthcare plan that
the patient can execute (Alligood, 2013). Abdella’s patient-centered theory
influences my operations as nurses as I strive to ensure the patient undergoes
physical, emotional and psychological healing. I believe a patient can make a
full recovery when he is emotionally and psychologically fit. I strive to
ascertain that patients receive counseling services in case I notice they are
emotionally disturbed. It is through counseling that patients receive guidance
on the different issues affecting them.
Eliza Mahoney made significant contributions to the nursing profession. Eliza
was the first African-American to pass as a professional registered nurse.
Eliza emphasized on the provision of exceptional care to patients so as to
enhance patient satisfaction. Eliza is recognized for her hard work and
dedication that enabled her completes her studies despite the odds being
against her. Eliza played a significant role in changing the nursing
environment through the development an association that later changed its name
to the American nurses association. Eliza looked out for the interest of nurses
and used the association to advocate for improved education in nursing, as well
as the enrollment of additional African Americans in nursing. Eliza’s
contribution plays a significant role in modern day nursing. Today, the
American nursing association is the voice of over 3 million nurses. The
association advances their profession by promoting nurses rights as well as
setting the standards for effective nursing practice.
M. (2013). Nursing theorists and their work.
Elsevier health sciences.
Nursing Association, (2014). About ANA.
Debnath, R. (2009).
Professional skills in nursing. SAGE publishers.
Carolyn Morgan is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my nursing research paper services. If you need a similar paper you can place your order from essay already written services.
Risk Management related to Information Security
management is the process that identifies, assesses, and prioritizes and addresses risks
to minimize the chances of their occurrence so that an organization
can achieve its objectives. The risks can come
in different ways such as accidents, deliberate attacks, natural causes and
others incidences that might hinder
an organization from achieving
its set goals (Christopher,
Risk sources in an organization can be located in the infrastructure and other tangible
variables, human factor
variables, and decision-making. The
strategies for managing these threats
include avoiding the risk, transferring
the risk to another party or
reducing the effects of the risk.
of the risks a company might encounter is the risks involving
its information security. Information is a vital component of every organization because these organizations use the information
on their daily operations. Most of the information
on an organization is confidential
to that organization. Therefore, there could be serious implications if the
information is accessed by unauthorized persons or if it
is lost. With the modern technology companies and other organizations
are using information system to collect data, analyze it, store
it and even
transmit the data to valid designations. This calls for
protection of the information contained in these information systems
to ensure that it is secure from unauthorized individuals. In addition, the information
needs to be protected from losses because the
information could be stolen or lost through an information system breakdown. Therefore, it is mandatory for
every organization to have a mechanism for
protecting its information. One
of such mechanism is the information security
management system. Information security management system consists of a set of strategies concerned with the management of the risks related to information
Types of risks
to information security:
information system consists
of people and computers that process information. The information
system helps organizations in decision-making, operations,
and management (Elky, 2006). Most of the organizations
use these systems
to store their information. Therefore, there is the risk of losing this
information in case there is
a breakdown of the computers or similarly,
the employees operating the computers could leak the information to unauthorized individuals. Similarly, the information
could be lost through physical
occurrences such as the destruction of the systems by floods
or it could be intercepted or accessed
by hackers. It is known that security is determined
by the people more than the technology. This implies that
employees are a greater threat rather than outsiders. These employees
have easy access
to an organization’s vital information; thus they are the major
risk to information security. Though other
unauthorized persons can access a company’s vital information through hacking activities, the risks
they pose are very minimal. However,
the use of computer
information systems poses other risks
to information like information
extortion, software attacks, and sabotage and
identity theft. Information extortion involves theft of an organization’s information and using it
to receive payment. On the other hand,
software attacks include the destruction of an organization’s software either by viruses or phishing attacks. Identity theft is a situation where one uses a person's
identity with an aim of accessing his/her vital information or take
advantage of the access to their information. Sabotage is the destruction
of an organization’s website to cause
loss of confidence in its clients. All these are the possible risks
to information security of an
organization. There could be great
financial losses or destruction of a company’s reputation if its vital information
or the information
about its customers gets into
the hands of competitors or hackers. Therefore, there is a need for organizations to have a well laid
down information security management system (Peltier, 2005).
Information security management system:
security management system consists of a set of strategies concerned with the management of the risks related
to information security. Information is a valuable asset to
an organization; thus it should be protected by all means. The information security management system
(ISMS) is based on the principle
that an organization should develop, implement and maintain a coherent
set of strategies, processes and systems
in managing risk to its information assets. The information security management system includes people, IT systems and processes
using risk management
systems. A good information security
management system should ensure integrity, availability and confidentiality of the information. The integrity
of information means that the data
is accurate and consistent; thus an information security system ensures that information of an organization is not tampered with or
modified by unauthorized
users. Similarly, the ISMS ensures that the information is available when it
is needed by authorized users
while it also
ensures that the information is only available to the authorized parties.
Development of ISMS:
development of information security involves six steps that include a definition of security policy, the definition
of its scope, risk assessment, risk management,
control selection and maintenance and
improvement. The initial step in the
ISMS development entails with
developing the policies that would govern the risk management
system while the second step
involves determining the purpose of the
management system (Humphreys,
2010). The risk assessment is said to be the process of identifying
the information assets, the threats associated
with them and the impact on the organization
in case they were stolen or
lost. On the other hand, the
risk management is the development of strategies that aims to stop these risks
from taking place or reducing the
impacts of these risks in case they
occur. The control
selection is the process in which the appropriate measures to mitigate the information
security risks are implemented with a view to reducing the occurrence
of the identified risks. The maintenance
and improvement involve ensuring that
all the selected controls are efficient and effective throughout without changing the business
environment. Therefore, information security management is a continuous process that requires monitoring and reviewing to ensure
that the integrity,
confidentiality and availability of an organization’s information are guaranteed.
Benefits of ISMS:
general benefit of implementing an information security management system is the reduction
of the chances of the risk occurring
or/and reducing
the impact of the risk if
it occurs. However,
it has other advantages that include protection of the organization’s information in terms of integrity, availability, and confidentiality and allows regular monitoring and improvement of the system (Humphreys, 2010). The development of information security management also helps
an organization meet
contractual requirements as it
serves as an indication to the clients that
the company is concerned
about the security of their information. This gives the organization a competitive advantage over its competitors. The information security
management also ensures that there the right people,
procedures, processes and technologies input in place to ensure that
the organization’s information asset. It also provides a common
conceptual basis and language for information
security easy confidentiality
between business partners
with compliant ISMS. In addition,
ISMS brings about profitability and
cash-flow. This is because an
organization with a well laid out information security management system protects the
image of the company winning consumers’
confidence. The increase in confidence will result in increased output hence increasing
the organization's
profitability and cash flows.
management is the process that identifies, assesses, and prioritizes and addresses risks
to minimize the chances of their occurrence so that an organization
can achieve its objectives. Risk sources in an organization can be located in the infrastructure and other tangible
variables, human factor
variables, and decision-making. The
strategies for managing these threats
include avoiding the risk, transferring
the risk to another party or
reducing the effects of the risk.
Information security is prone to a number risks threats. The
information on an organization
is prone to loss or theft and
other risks like information extortion, software attacks, and sabotage
and identity theft. Therefore, there is a need for organizations
to have a well laid down information security management system. A good
information security management system should ensure integrity, availability and confidentiality of the information. Similarly, an information security management system has other benefits such
allowing regular monitoring and improvement of the system. It
also helps an organization meet contractual requirements as it serves as an indication to the clients that
the company is concerned
about the security of their information. This gives the company
a competitive edge over its competitors. Therefore, ISMS is vital in every business
because to ensures that the organization’s
information is secure and protected.
Christopher (2002) Managing Information
Security Risks: The OCTAVE Approach; Addison-Wesley Professional, USA
Elky S. (2006) An
Introduction to Information System Risk Management.
Humphreys E. (2010) information
security management.
Peltier R. (2005) Information Security
Risk Analysis, Second Edition; CRC Press, USA.
Carolyn Morgan is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my nursing research paper services. If you need a similar paper you can place your order from essay already written services.
Action research on SQL development
this iteration, there is an explanation of the training in regard to the SQL
development tools in involvement that took place during my first week of
internship in Amphion Global Inc. I would have involvement in the SQL Developer
tool present in Oracle 11g database to create tables, database connection,
querying data, running and creating reports, and debugging SQL.
arrived early in the morning in the premises of Amphion Global Inc. In my
orientation iteration which was the first one, I had information on how the
training session would take place and I was prepared for it. The early
information helped to prepare for the training on SQL development environment
particularly with the SQL developer tool so that I had know-how before the
actual training day. I had an opportunity to go to the website of the company
so as to familiarize myself with the SQL development environment including
having interaction with SQL developers in the company. The training would be
under the supervision of the assistant SQL developer, Mr. Kim. I met with Mr.
Kim and he explained to me what I would expect that day concerning my training
Kim also explained to me the rules of the organization regarding the
requirements of the SQL developers and how I had to behave during my internship
period in Amphion Global Inc. He helped me understand how the internship was
vital as SQL is in deployment in the many of today’s databases and mobile apps,
including many other areas where it is useful. He gave me a schedule of the
day’s activities so that it would help me to follow the areas of the training
and see where I needed to pay much attention. I planned to concentrate in this
session of the training on SQL development as it would determine the rest of my
stay in the company. I would make sure that I grasp all the concepts from my
trainers and make the necessary inquiries so as better to understand my roles
and responsibilities in the company as an SQL developer intern.
developer guided me to the room where the training was to take place. He began
by telling me the basics of the SQL programming language and asked me some
questions to assess how deep I understood about this language. SQL is a very
essential language useful to developers who wish to create data driven websites
(S. Jennifer, Personal communications, February 05, 2015). He guided me through
the basics of the SQL database server and the application areas of the SQL
programming language. He trained me on how to create a database in SQL through
the coding process. He trained me on how to write a secure code and the
importance of making the system secure as well as ensuring the security of the
He taught me how information is very crucial for
any organization and its loss will culminate to the company losing a lot of
funds. He took me through the various DBMSs and how to ensure the security of
the SQL code in those DBMSs. He taught me about the escaping of parameters in
PHP with MySQL server through the use of the mysql_real_escape_string. He
guided me on how to make joins between tables of a database and the
requirements of businesses. He taught me on how to write more complex queries
so as to satisfy business needs. He trained me on the types of table joins the
left outer join, full outer join, and the right outer join.
also taught me about the self-join and how to select the most appropriate type
of join for a given situation. He also guided me through the various data types
which in the different DBMSs; MySQL data types, SQL Server Data Types, and
Oracle Data Types. He taught me how to write compliant codes that are in line
with the ANSI standards so as to ensure maintainability and cross-platform
standardization. He also taught about the normalization of databases, that is,
the first standard form, the second normal form, and the third normal form, yup
to the fifth normal form.
taught on how to qualify my database object names especially when working with
databases that are larger and those used by multiple users. I also learned
about indexing and its importance of speeding database table operations. He
helped me understand how to use database permissions and how to control the
access to databases by setting roles and permissions. I learned from the
developer how to choose the best DBMS solution for the particular project as
each of the DBMSs have their limitations. After the training session, the
developer responsible for training me gave me an assignment so as assess my
understanding of the concepts taught during the session.
learned many things that were helpful to me in regard to SQL development. I
observed that SQL is in deployment in many database management systems such as
MySQL, Oracle and SQL server. I also noted that one needed to have knowledge of
the SQL coding for them to be active in SQL development. I realized that a lot
is in the requirement for any SQL developer as they have to work towards
meeting the business needs. Also, the rules of coding must be duly followed as
well as the ANSI standards so as to ensure that databases but is scalable and
that they are platform independent. I also observed that the session went on as
planned and nothing was left out as per the schedule of the session.
went on as planned and the session did not lag behind schedule. The training
was very enriching with insight and it helped grasp the concepts that I did not
have before. The session however took a short time and I would recommend that
there be more time allotted for the training session. The various employees I
interacted with were helpful as my interaction with them helped understand some
of the requirements as an SQKL developer intern. The assistant developer was
also very friendly as he was willing to assist me where I did not understand.
The session had helped me to achieve my goals that I had before and the
research that I did ahead of the session make me know the areas that IO needed
to pay more attention. With this profound knowledge, I had the confidence to
perform my tasks with expertise in the rest of the iterations.
Iteration 3: Reviewing and gathering
business requirements
session entailed the gathering of business requirements for the project
assignment that I was in involvement during the period of internship in Amphion
Global Inc. The project was about the development of SQL database and website
that would support business functions for and online selling and buying of
goods and services (J. Brandon, Personal Communications, February 20, 2015). I
would gather the requirements that would help shed light on the users’ needs
with regard to an online platform for selling and buying of goods and services.
was to be guided by one of the project team members, Ms. Jacob so as to gather
the required information that would have analysis later by the team members. I
was to interact by the various cadres of the organization and the users in the
marketplace. I was also to interact with other company CEOs who have deployed
this kind of technology, as well as database administrators because the project
also entailed coding development of databases. I was to use the various data
gathering techniques that would help me gather profound and complete data in
all areas of the project for analysis.
team member explained do me the rules to observe while I was going to gather
the requirements and she also explained to me how to structure the questions
and to utilize the other techniques. She also gave me the schedule on how to go
so as to ensure that I finished the task within the scheduled time. She
insisted on the importance of that phase and assisted me know how to behave
before the various people that I would meet with to gather data from them.
designed the questionnaires as per the guideline of the team member that was to
be my supervisor in this session. I first of all began with the database
administrators of the company and I used the observation, interview questions
as well as the questionnaire to gather the required data from them. They
explained to me on the requirements for such a project especially in the area
of database development. In this case, the interview bore much fruit that the
other methods as it was the most appropriate method for c collecting
requirements for the development and coding of the project.
also interacted with other members of the team as they had some experiences
with the many projects they had been in involvement in. They helped shed light
on the areas of the project and how what I needed to include so that I got more
information from users. I went to the various clients that the company provided
consultant services to. I visited the various CEOs of the various companies
like Amazon and other companies that used the online platform for buying and
selling of goods and service. The various stakeholders of those companies
helped me also to understand more on what to expect from an online platform for
carrying out business.
interacted with users so as to know which kind of interface that would be most
captivating for the users. Where the interview failed, I used the other methods
and if any of them did not work well I had to deploy a better techniques to aid
in carrying out the project with all crucial information in hand. I did
consolation from my supervisor before completing any task. After I had gathered
all the information on the requirements, I formulated reports that would help
show how the process was carried out. That was vital so as to determine the areas
that required more in-depth research so that a repeat of the scheme would be
put to use in case the team recommended so.
observed that the requirements gathering had to cover many areas of the
development project. The other stakeholders from whom I was to collect data
were quite busy and this would not get enough information from them, causing me
to find alternatives o achieve the same. Something that I also observed was the
application of various data collection methods in order o find what was in the
requirement. I had to utilize every technique for me to get all information. I
interacted with the various documents in soft copy and hard copy and that was
vital in understanding how to deploy a site that would support a variety of
reports. I observed that the requirements gathering process was accorded some
quality of time as it entailed much on the broad capabilities in the need for
the project assignment.
observed that every activity in the company took place on a tight schedule and
there was no activity to lag behind the schedule as that would be questionable
by the relevant authority. I observed that a real structure of the interview
questions helped me gather the necessary data from the people that I interacted
with. I realized that I had to apply my judgment in case the situation
demanded, or to do a generalization if I did not get enough sample size to make
a comparison. I also observed that in case I did not have enough time in the
field, I had to utilize the Internet in acquiring the additional information
from the similar projects done by other scholars. Though some people were
unwilling to provide the necessary information may be because of their failure
to understand the topic clearly, I managed to gather all required data.
requirements gathering phase went out as required. Through this iteration, I
refreshed my understanding n the various techniques of data collection and the
way to create reports from the data collected. It helped know how to interact
with the various people at different levels if authority and diverse
experiences. I discovered that as an intern in the field of SQL development, I needed
not only to have coding skills, but also to have data collection and data
analysis skills. The team member that was helping me during this iteration was
most of the type away and thus unable to provide help when I needed her most.
The tight schedule helped to have experience on how to work under pressure with
minimum supervision but concurrently concentrated on the delivery of quality
results. The rules explanation and the explanation on the code of conduct for
the process of requirements gathering by Ms. Jacob actually helped achieve the
best out of the process. Through the reports that I created, I came to realize
that every task that I carry out, there should be the creation of reports so
that they would be useful in understanding areas for improvement.
Iteration 4: Backup and Recovery
this iteration, there is an explanation of the backup of databases and
information as an SQL developer. The various methods of backup also had an
explanation and the way to choose the most appropriate backup type for a
particular task. I was to work with the system administrators in order to make
this useful.
met with the system administrators and they explained to me on the
responsibility of backing up and how often the backup takes place so as to
prepare for crises. They emphasized on the importance of backup data for the
company and the regular updating of the backups with the reasons for carrying
out those regular backups. They insisted to me on the essence of that iteration
to my internship period in Amphion Global Inc as well as in my future career as
an SQL developer. That was because, as an SQL developer, o would be working on
databases as part of my responsibility. They explained to me why they were
responsible for carrying out the disaster planning and the recovery processes.
gave me incidents that had occurred in the past and how they carried out the
recovery and through that I planned to have active participation in this
process so that I would learn more from these experts. I had not been in any
involvement in the past of such a task so this iteration would give me a lot of
insights. They showed me the disaster plan and the recovery plans that they had
been using and it had been going through updates so as to accommodate new
changes due to the number of disasters that come up each day.
explained to me the types of failure to prepare including human errors, natural
disasters, virus and malware and other types of incidents. They explained to be
the rules under which they worked as required by the company and the state and
any ignorance of those regulations and standards was a punishable offense. The
team was the one that had one of the most critical roles of dealing with
mission critical data as information for companies were very vital.
acquired all the files and the data that were to undergo the backups and we
ensured that we made a rough sketch of the steps to carry out in achieving
proper backup for the data. The data backup and recovery rough sketch was to
help me understand how the task occurs as they had the prior knowledge
themselves and did not have the need even to write down the plan. We went
through the data from each department and did the backup one by one for the
period that had not undergone the backing up since the last backup. They
carried out the different types of backup to make me understand how those
backups take places, such as the normal backup, the differential backup, and
the incremental and daily backups.
most important was to perform the full backups and on a weekly basis and
supplement them with regular backups. I learned on how to select the backup
devices and media that ha high capacity is reliable expandable, high in speed
and cost efficient. They helped me to understand the backup solutions such as the
tape drives, digital audio tapes, autoloader tape systems, magnetic, optical
drives, tape jukeboxes, removable disks and disk drives. They explained to me
on the differences between those backup solutions in terms of their capacity,
reliability, extensibility, cost, and speed.
guided me ion how to access the backup utility in Windows and the general
backup options with the backup utility. I learned how to do the backup of files
without utilizing the wizard and that occurred manually through some few steps.
They told me how to recover data using the restore wizard and the restore tab.
We also carried out the manual restore step by step without utilizing the
wizard. I learned how to carry out authoritative and non-authoritative restore
in restoring the active directory.
observed that the backup and restore process was an involving one that required
much attention and a working plan to be in place. I observed that the rules in
the process were very vital to follow and any violation of the rules and
regulations regarding that was a punishable offense regardless of which
position you held in the company. I learned that the company had significant
data centers that were for the backup of the company data and system
information. The sites were offline and away from the company’s premises and
nobody would just go there without authorization. I observed that many at times
the backup and recovery team would work overtime and in weekends because
sometimes their tasks involved carrying them outside the regular business hours.
observed that they duly followed the schedule for weekly full backups
supplemented with daily backups and it was a must that they followed that
requirement. I observed that they were responsible for monitoring the processes
that went out in all departments so as to plan for the backup process more
effectively. They were also responsible for doing capacity planning in case the
network was experiencing downtime. The team was very vigilant as pertains to
the computer security incident planning and they had plans, response procedures
and policies in pace to take of that. They were also very vigilant concerning
any information on the likelihood of an event occurring that would compromise
the security of data.
iteration enriched me with the knowledge I desired to have in the light of my
role and responsibilities as an SQL developer during the internship period and
later in life. They helped me to comprehend how vital the data backup and
recovery process is for any company. Working with the team members responsible
for the data backup and recovery was very imperative as from them I learned how
to work with and in a team. They helped me understand how to make plans and
ensure that I achieved those plans in all my responsibilities in the future,
either in live or in the line of my profession. The session aided in
comprehending how to carry out the different types of backups and the process
to follow in carrying out the restore process in the event of a disaster.
session took a long time, but it was necessary as it helped me to grasp every
concept in regard to the data backup and recovery from the planning stage to
the final step of plan implementation. All the employees of the company worked
as a team to achieve the common goals, the mission and vision of the company.
They had good organization and everything took place in good time according to
the laid down regulations and the quality standards in the organization.
was the boosting of employee morale for work through proper incentives that
were available and the extra payments for the working overtime. I, however,
suggest that there be also motivation for the interns so that their morale for
working would be boosted. That is because of the interns worked the same way
the employees of the company worked and they were as well involved in the
working of overtime but with no any incentives.
Iteration 5: Testing and analysis
met with the project team members that were responsible for the analysis of the
data gathered and they made the plans on how the analysis process would take
place on the requirements. They elaborated on their mandate and the
responsibility vested in them in foreseeing the project timeline and the
objectives of all projects for Amphion Inc. They were to meet before the
project development commenced so that they would carry out brainstorming on the
project requirements and carry out the feasibility study of the project
requirements before the actual coding took place.
the brainstorming session, they would share ideas on how to go in carrying out
the analysis of the data and through that the diverse opinions would help to
find out the best way to go. They were to divide the work amongst the various
subgroups and each group would be responsible for carrying out their tasks and
making reports after they finish their chore. The reports would have the
viewing of the review team who would give a go ahead I case the analysis took
place on the right or recommend for further analysis in case it did not go as
required. In this phase, I would have minimal participation, but I would be
welcome to ask questions and make the necessary inquiries so that I may not
left out of the game entirely.
team carried out the brainstorming and shared ideas on the process of the
impending requirements analysis and this was vital. There were diverse opinions
brought to the table and the various views helped in finding the most
appropriate way to go because they would not go by everybody’s opinion. They
determined the plan and the schedule of how the analysis process would take
place and the responsibility and deliverable of each team sub-team members.
They subdivided the team members and each team was responsible for handling a
given section of the data so that the work would go as planned in the schedule.
They grouped the data according to its relations and the requirements so that
each group would be responsible for analyzing related data without any
team in which I was involved in had their mandate as other teams to analyze and
interpret the data so that they would describe it and summarize it. After they
had summarized the data, they had to identify any relationships between data
variables as well as compare the variables. They would also determine the
variations in the variables and forecast the outcomes of the user requirements
from the findings. They used the quantitative analysis of the data analysis as
it is the most accurate type of data analysis.
organized the data and used the SPSS because the use of the computer to analyze
the data would be much faster and easy to go. After the team, finished
analyzing the data, they interpreted the data using the various form as of data
interpretation. They made the recommendations on the findings as after every
analysis there must be a recommendations and assumptions to be made. After all
the teams had finished their work, they met to harmonize the data and make
necessary recommendations for the review process. They made reports that would
go to the review team for studying before they gave the go ahead for the
progress of the project development.
observed that the team was working in harmony towards achieving the objectives
of their tasks in involvement, and, in this case, the data analysis. Everybody
well understood their duties and responsibilities and they worked hard so that
they would complete everything required of them in light of the schedule. The
aging behind schedule was punishable and it was not allowed as the teams
members themselves were the ones involved in setting their goals and the plan
which they would follow. I observed that the brainstorming session was very
vital as trough the same the team members understood more what was required of
the team and the diverse ideas aided in making perfect plans for the best
outcome. I observed that if the analysis did not go well, then the subsequent
steps of the SDLC would not take place in the right way and the project would
fail utterly. They had to make assumptions about the data and the assumptions
were in line with the project requirements done to the best of their knowledge
and skills in the field.
learned that many of them had more than ten years of experience in the project
development process and because of that they did not have much problem in
carrying out any task. They worked on tight schedules and they seemed to enjoy
the going because they were used to it. They knew that by working under the
tight schedule would inculcate the virtue of self-discipline in them that was
crucial not only in their line of company duties, but also in their daily
lifestyles. I observed that they were the team that was vested with the
responsibility of quality assurance in the company. They were to work with
external auditors to achieve that. The meeting together of the teams after each
completed their work helped to harmonize the analyzed data and integrate it
accordingly. They worked together in unity and they were able to complete
everything as required before they presented the analyzed data to the review
team. I observed that the review team was the people to make the final
recommendations before any step in the project development process.
of the tasks went well in this phase although would have been some others that
did not go well according to me. The team was well coordinated and there were
no conflicts as each team member understood clearly their responsibility and
they carried them out without complaining. The management was friendly to the
employees of the company and that encouraged the employees to carry out their
duties as required even if they were to work overtime. The management was also
available for consultation in case of any issue and they responded forthwith to
any information. There were added wages in case the employees worked for more
time especially outside the office working hours. However, the review process
took a long time to be accomplished because of the team working together for
the whole process. I suggest that the review team should subdivide the tasks so
that they will curtail that problem.
Carolyn Morgan is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my nursing research paper services. If you need a similar paper you can place your order from essay already written services.
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