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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Ap Music Final

Session 12
The song, “I want to hold your hand” uses lead guitar, bass guitar, drums, and handclaps whereas the “Norwegian wood” uses the sitar and a lead guitar thereby making the sounds more clear in the latter song than in the former. In the Norwegian wood, there is the gradation of sounds produced by the sitar, and it creates less musical wave effects just like in the case of the “I want to hold your hand” where the wave effects are more due to the use of two guitars and drum, although not much. 

Also, in the Norwegian Wood, there is more sound harmony compared to the I want to Hold Your Hand where one voice seems to be more dominant than the other.
The aspect of the Norwegian Wood that makes people relate it to Bob Dylan’s style is the use of only two instruments; whereas Bob Dylan uses the guitar and keyboard, the Beatles use sitar and guitar and no drums or clapping in both cases.
In the song, “You Never Give Me Your Money” McCartney and Lennon document ten financial as well as personal difficulties their band experienced. The musical instrument is only the guitar, and it is very low to enable the voice and theme to come out clearly. The purpose of the song is to highlight the financial difficulties the singers faced. The subject matter of Beatles changed in the middle and earlier phases and what made them change is because they wanted to have new themes and to meet the market demands. 
Session 13
In the Stones song, “I Can’t Get No” there is very dim light on the stage but in Beatles’ song “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” there is a bright light at the stage. The theme in Stones’ song is clearer because they keep on repeating their message, but the Beatles’ message is not as clear. The Mood in Beatles’ song is dull while in the Stones’ song the mood is jubilant. In both cases, the sound effects are similar to wave sound effects observed.
The song Paint it Black and Norwegian Wood are different regarding composition and sound effects. The Norwegian Wood seems to have a clearer theme compared to the Paint it Black. In the Paint it Black, there are more music instruments with the use of the drums, but the Norwegian has only the guitar played and no sound wave effects.  The music growth is similar in both cases in that they both start slowly but increase the tempo of the song.
The Rolling Stones had a great ability to adapt to changing times in the pop music because they could effectively analyze the market demands and ten produce the songs that would hit. They were able to bridge musical styles by making a good combination of sound and instruments, and that is where the Beatles missed it all together. Love You Live is another case where the Rolling Stones demonstrate a significant adaptation to the changing trends of pop music.
The Beatles were not such great as to take the US charts at any time; it is because they were able to make proper timing regarding themes and use of instruments. They produced the songs that people loved because they embodied the messages that people wanted to hear, and coupled with the musical styles, these bands became very popular in their times. They were able to adapt to different musical styles and were proactive in their production. They produced their songs at the time when the songs were more likely to hit and be embraced by different audiences.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my essay online if you need a similar paper you can place your order from write my essay for me services.

Whistle blowing and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Stakeholders are those parties who are affected by the actions or activities of an organization in one way or another. Stakeholders include employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, community, lenders and other parties with particular interests in the organization.
Characteristics of a whistleblower
A whistleblower brings to light alleged dishonesty, misconduct or illegal activity occurring in an organization. A whistle-blower speaks out with the intention of exposing the misconduct to the public or concerned bodies for necessary action to be taken. 

The alleged misconduct may be categorized as unethical conduct, a violation of law, rule or regulation or a threat to public interest (Bjørkelo et al., 2011).  A whistleblower may make the allegations internally to people with authority within the organization, or externally to law enforcement agencies, groups, regulators, groups or media outlets that are concerned with the issues raised forth
Whistle blowing requires an ethical and moral calculus.  This must come with emotional baggage that sways an individual on decision making.  A Whistleblower is fearless and honest.  The individual must be brave and courageous enough to expose alleged wrongdoings.  A whistleblower has the tenacity and a fighting spirit that allows the individual to take on the challenge or long a drawn out process that may be characterized by many risks. A whistleblower is a determined individual with the drive to go all the way regardless of the potential matter the consequences.
 The reasoning is also an important ingredient because whistleblowers may be required to undergo a process to scrutinize and assess the allegation. Thus, allegations must be supported with facts.  Another significant key characteristic is the ability to combat retaliation.  Whistleblowers may face retaliation, alienation and public scrutiny before and justice is obtained. This is a long, tedious and vigorous process. Employers suspend a whistleblower or threaten to fire the whistleblower. The ability to fight is an important one in this process as the stress involved in whistle blowing can be huge. As such, individuals may remain afraid to expose misconducts in fear that others will not believe them if they speak out (Bjørkelo et al., 2011). 
Barclays Bank plc case
In June 2016, an employee at Barclays bank blew the whistle concerning a senior executive Tim Main.  Tim Main is a well-regarded banker who formerly worked for JP Morgan for 34 years.  He was hired by Barclays bank to help turn the organization around as the chairman of investment banking.  Two anonymous letters sent by the whistleblower concerned issues of a personal nature about the executive’s past and put into question the suitability of his recruitment to the organization.  The letters made unpleasant allegations of the individual (Kollewe & Ruddick, 2017).
Effects of whistle blowing
The whistle blowing act raised important concerns on the hiring of Tim Main. The act triggered increased attention from the investors. Bank regulatory authorities also questioned if the institution’s leaders knowingly hired Tim Main despite his record at JP Morgan. As a result, Chief Executive Jes Staley instructed the organization’s security team to track down the author of the letters believing the letters to be unfair attacks. However, the board took the matter seriously when a second whistleblower raised the same matter. An investigation was ordered, and the Chief Executive was reprimanded and reported to UK banking watchdogs.  The anonymous whistle-blowers are likely to face retaliatory actions from the bank’s executives.  However, the law protects whistle-blowers’ desire to remain anonymous particularly when the employee reasonably believes that the disclosure is made in the public interest.
Whistleblower was justified in reporting the issue
The whistleblowers were justified in reporting the issue to the board.  This is because they called attention to genuine issues by decision makers. In the case, the employee expressed concern about possible wrongdoing by the management, thus providing the board an opportunity to look into and take corrective action.  Given that one member of the management team is the focus of the whistle blowing; any report to the management would most likely be ignored.  Based on the reaction, the management would be unresponsive and hostile to the whistleblower’s concerns.  The actions taken by the whistleblower would ensure that the organization handles the problem more effectively.  The action is justified as Whistleblowers do call attention to genuine abuses of power or rules by decision-makers in organizations.
Extent to which the individual would be protected
 The Sarbanes- Oxley federal law was created to protect whistleblowers in publicly traded companies who report violations (Sarbanes, 2002). The Act prohibits publicly traded firms from discriminating employees who assist in providing information.  The whistleblowers in Barclays Plc would be protected under this law because the chief executive has made attempts to uncover their identity.  This means that the anonymous whistle-blowers are likely to face retaliatory actions from the bank’s executives (Earle & Madek, 2007).  However, the Sarbanes-Oxley federal law protects whistle-blowers’ desire to remain anonymous particularly when the employee reasonably believes that the disclosure may be trigger reactions. When a whistleblower identifies the threat, he should report it and state his concerns. This has been successful as the court prevented the Chief Executive from making further attempts to discover the identity of whistleblowers in the organization.

Bjørkelo, B., Einarsen, S., Nielsen, M. B., & Matthiesen, S. B. (2011). Silence is golden? Characteristics and experiences of self-reported whistleblowers.

Earle, B. H., & Madek, G. A. (2007). The Mirage of Whistleblower Protection Under SarbanesOxley: A Proposal for Change. American Business Law Journal, 44(1), 1-54.

Kollewe J & Ruddick G. (2017) Barclays whistleblower case sparks calls for more protection. 

Sarbanes, P. (2002, July). Sarbanes-oxley act of 2002. In The Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act. Washington DC: US Congress.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my essay online if you need a similar paper you can place your order from write my essay for me services.

Faith is an Essential Part of Life

Many times when things do not go the way one wants, they often lose faith, not only in themselves but also in any possible result in their lives. Faith is assurance one has about the future regardless of the way the situation appears. Faith is the key to all our anticipations and aspirations in our lives; it is about having the courage move forth even when the entire staircase is invisible. The essence of faith is discussed in this paper.
Faith is not a notion that one holds onto during tough times; it is a crucial element to all our human life here on Earth.  Life is not always smooth, it is difficult at times, and it is faith that can help us to get through, illuminating the path during darkness and providing us with the strength to thread through the times of weakness.

  For one, the power of faith breeds abundance according to Stephenson (2014).  When we meet difficult situations, we tend to lose hope and focus on negativity. We shift from the state of abundance to the state of lack. As we focus more on problems, we obviously live more in the problems and find it difficult to go past negativity. However, when we focus on the positive and seek the solutions to our problems with faith, we easily solve our problems and move from the state of lack of abundance (, 2017).
Also, faith determines our actions. Faith influences how we make decisions, how we interact with other people, and how we react to circumstances that confront us. When faced with hard times, faith will determine what you will do in that situation (Wimber, 2017).   When we take the actions of faith, we please God. In Hebrews 11:6, the Bible says that without faith one cannot please God.  We can please God only by seeking for a strong relationship with Him that is based on our trust and faith in Him (Kou, 2014).
Through your faith, you can also discover your purpose in life.  When we pass through life with all its ups and downs, we can always give up and stop believing that we can make it. At times, it is also enough question to our existence on this Earth. But with all the difficult situations and trials we may face, it is only faith that can give is a helping hand. Faith will trump all our stress, anxiety and fear thereby making us know that we can move over the hurdles and reach our destiny (London, 2017).  Life always gets harder before it gets better, so, as little by little of us is being broken, we dig deep inside ourselves and discover the potential we have to make it through.
The paper has discussed some of the importance for having faith in our lives. Faith is crucial in the life of humanity because through the same we can get the things we want and can achieve all our dreams.  Through faith, one can discover their purpose in life, which is the reason for their existence.  Most importantly, it is only through faith that we can please God. When we please God, the He can open the way for us to go even through the most difficult situations that are life threatening.

Kou, L. (2014). The Meaning and Importance of Faith. 

London, G. (2017). Three Reasons Why Faith Is Important In The Christian Life. 

Stephenson, R. (2014). 42 Reasons Having Faith in God is Most Important for Your Life. (2017). 5 Reasons Why Having Faith Is So Important. 

Wimber, C. (2017). The power of faith. 

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my essay online if you need a similar paper you can place your order from write my essay for me services. 

Personal improvement project

One thing that I am not doing right now is living a healthy life, and I believe that if I change my lifestyle, it will greatly improve my quality of life. Therefore, I intend to improve my health. I understand that taking care of my health is very important and it should never be placed on the background. My health is the one thing that I should be getting right and paying a lot of attention, and if I do not get this right, it is likely that everything else in my life will suffer.

So as to improve my health, I considered engaging in some healthy activities such as adopting a healthy diet and participating in the cardio exercise. By the end of the set period, I aimed to lose about five kilos, increase the amount of water that I drink, eat healthily, and increase my energy levels. Before this activity, I never cared what I ate or even engaged in any physical exercises such as running or walking for long distance. As a result, I have gained weight and also become so unfit. Thus, my plan was to make some personal changes so as to improve my health through engaging in the above activities.
So far, I have managed to achieve my objective of improving my diet, losing weight, and drinking lots of water. For me to achieve the goals, I made certain decisions that included jogging and walking for about thirty minutes for at least three times in a week. I also decided to do cardio exercise that was about 180 minutes in a week, which was about thirty minutes in a day. I also made certain changes such as drinking lots of water every day that included about two liters of water in a day. In almost everywhere I was going, I made sure that I carried a bottle of water with me and also ensured that there was a bottle of water on my desk. While increasing my water intake was uncomfortable in the first few days since I had to visit the toilet frequently, I got used to it as time went by. In the effort to improve my health, I also considered changing my diet and made sure that every meal I had included fruits and some vegetables. I tend to eat a lot of fruits, and I started avoiding most processed foods that are loaded with harmful chemicals, additives, and genetically engineered ingredients. I have adapted to consuming a lot of organic foods, and I have observed a significant change in my body.
By following my schedule, I managed to accomplish my objective, and the changes are now evident. I lost weight, and I have improved my health through the involvement in physical exercise and changing my diet. Before starting this project, I weighed 60 kilos; however, by the end of the project, I had dropped to 55 kilos, which means that I accomplished my objective. There is a lot that I learned from doing the project. One lesson is that commitment very important, and once you make a plan to do something, it is important that you complete it to the end. It was because of my commitment to this project that I managed to achieve my objective. 

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my essay online if you need a similar paper you can place your order from write my essay for me services.


The use of ergonomics is central to the assessment of the productivity of employees, reducing health complication as well as discomfort that people may suffer from as a result of their workstations. The assertion is that the equipment that is being used in the office should offer the necessary accommodation to the users through the elimination of the possible discomfort resulting from the use of office equipment. 

The overall assertion is that the equipment should be adjusted to ensure that it offers accommodation for the entire user needs, with the flexibility of the equipment to accommodate the diverse population being the main issue as promotes interfacing with the provided equipment. Overall, the assignment is going assess for the ergonomic issues that emerge in the assessment of the worker’s workstations. The issues to be evaluated will include the appropriateness of the workstation position, whether the chair offers the necessary adjustable arm rest, seat pan as well as lumbar support. Issues as the position of the mouse, keyboard, and monitor were additionally evaluated to assess for compliance.
Our assessment made it evident that the worker workstation almost met all the ergonometric requirement issues to meet the quality status. It is, however, evident that some issues can be addressed to ensure that the worker is fully comfortable with the workstation regarding the equipment arrangement. One of these recommendations is based on the fact that the mouse is slightly above the elbow which leads to unnecessary straining on the part of the employees. To resolve the issue, it is imperative that the chair is raised slightly so as to ensure that the mousse is slightly below the elbow. Secondly, it is clear that the forearms are not fully supported by the chair, an additional issue that could strain the worker when they use the workstation for prolonged periods. Raising the adjustable chair slightly will be enough to ensure the armrests fully support the forearms. Through the implementation of these recommendations, it will be possible to ensure that the worker does not strain and consequently lead to pain episodes.
 Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my essay online if you need a similar paper you can place your order from write my essay for me services.  

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Holism vs. Reductionism

            Holism/reductionism is a controversial debate from which questions about the nature of explanation develop. Such questions seem difficult and abstract at first sight. However, in essence, the two distinct positions in the debate can get summed up in few single phrases. In the case of reductionism, the simple gives rise to the complicated phenomenon such as human behavior. One needs to split the complex phenomenon into simpler constituent elements. Reducing such complex phenomena is the only way through which it will get understood.

 On the other hand is the holism. Holism advocates the importance of the whole than the constituent elements. In the case of human behavior, it has its properties that cannot get explicated on the basis of elemental properties from which it gets obtained.
            Holism is a reference to any approach whose emphasis is more on the whole than their constituent elements. Holism can get put in other words to mean that the whole is greater and more important than the sum of its constituent building blocks. Qualitative methods that employ humanistic approach are a reflection of holistic position. Furthermore, social psychology uses holism (Raman, 1995)
            Holism is the same as system thinking. What can get obtained from the definition is holism is a belief that systems cannot get split into constituent elements. It explains the systems by consideration of the whole rather than the constituent elements. It comprises evaluation of the whole behavior of an individual, the whole group, the whole event, or the whole system. Holism assesses the person in totality more than evaluation of their parts such as limbs, brains, and other internal systems. The philosophical phenomenon emphasizes the importance of examining the whole structure since it incorporates every element. Its basis of the argument is on the fact that the whole is greater than its building blocks.
            There is a historical example of holism that states an isolated person is fully indeterminate and featureless until such a person can position himself within the natural and social class in which he got inserted. A practical and physical example is a computer system. A computer system is a total of its constituent elements such as the monitor, the central processing unit, and other hardware peripherals. Such a system cannot function without all those components. All the basic parts must come together and help to process documents. It will have no purpose if any of the components is forfeited. It is worth noting that a system cannot get understood well if it does not get approached holistically.
            In the event that one is studying components functioning of the system, it is critical to examine the complete organization of the system and system wholeness. There is a revelation in the natural set of a system if the analysis is more on the building blocks than the aggregate system. Studying a system holistically gives a more exhaustive view of the conduct and the experience than reductionism would have given. The holistic approach holds that higher levels of a system do not presume the complications of the behavior. Therefore, the approach explores to consolidate the different components thereby understanding the whole system. Holism gives suggestions of the existence of various explanations levels where each level houses emergent features that cannot reduce a system to the one below it.
            Holism is a concept that has existed for many decades. It is being applied in almost all the major fields that impact on human life such as social sciences and qualitative purposes. Where holism is used to evaluate a case study, the case becomes case orientation. A holistic approach is beneficial in providing an all-involving view while basing it on the nature, knowledge, properties, functions, and relationships of the elements of the whole. Additionally, it provides an indispensable view that gives considerable more entireties compared to other alternatives.
            The reduction is a complete opposite of holism. The approach believes that human behavior and other natural systems are well explained by dividing them into smaller elementary components. Therefore, human behavior can easily get understood by looking keenly at the single parts that make their systems. Reductionism uses the scientific presumption of parsimony. Parsimony is a conviction that complicated developments should draw their explanation from the most elementary underlying principles possible. Proponents of reductionism are convinced that mental processes and human behaviors should get explained on the ground of basic sciences such as physiology and chemistry. Proponents continue to say that approaching a system through reductionism helps to reduce the stress that comes with it because each will get looked at differently. The levels that exist in the reductionism approach employ different methodologies in evaluating systems and behaviors. However, the levels and methodologies are not necessary when such systems and behaviors get assessed individually. The approach is limited to distantly separate constituent elements. Therefore, the strategy is bound to fail when the parts get closely related. Reductionism considers closely related systems as a whole. It is a piece of knowledge that the strategy focuses primarily on the individual parts. The approach is disadvantageous because it is tiring to reconstruct a system whose parts have gotten segregated. Additionally, analyzing an issue in parts is complicated. It is also difficult to reconstruct a system into its initial state where the tasks are independent of each other. It may lead to distortion of the whole system (Ostreng, W.)
            Implementation of reduction is a risky affair when dealing with systems if the reductionism knowledge and understanding are inadequate. Implementation of the strategy where one has little understanding may have negative effects on time and cost. Greater emphasize should focus on understanding the connection between elements than features of each part. Despite that fact, reductionism holds that analysis of a system through its parts unearth other hidden levels. There is a perception that through reduction, it is easier to understand functioning of the hidden worlds. Furthermore, we will have unique knowledge in terms of the building blocks of a system and the forces that holds it together (Coveney & Highfield, 1995)
            Reductionism states that a complicated structure cannot exist without the total sum of its elementary parts. What it, therefore, notes is that such a system is nothing if it does not get evaluated in terms of its individual parts. Furthermore, the system accounts are closely linked to the accounts of its individual parts. It gets noted that any natural or physical existence is made up of tiny substances. The substances behave differently and can get compared to atomic knowledge. Simplified complex systems into constituent parts can easily get analyzed thereby realizing hidden problems and discovering new knowledge about the system.
Differences between holism and reductionism
            Holism approaches evaluation and understanding of complicated systems holistically. Reductionism is an exact opposite of holism. It breaks a system into simpler parts to understand it better. Holism helps to understand the wholeness of a system whose features are different from the constituent parts (McLeod, 2008)
            Reductionism studies the whole system in terms of its constituent elements. It, therefore, helps to understand features of the elements. Reductionism fails in determining the underlying principles of the whole system. It is worth noting that the features of a system are different from the features of its constituent elements. On the other hand, holism notes that a system can get explained well where there is enough information about it.
            An issue of holism is that it does not provide the knowledge through which complicated systems can get understood. It is the complete opposite of the reductionism. The evaluation of a system through its individual parts helps to understand the complications of a system or behavior.
            Reductionism addresses almost every issue about a system through splitting it into parts. Therefore, it answers all the potential questions that may arise after the examination. Holism does not dig deeper to reveal hidden knowledge about systems and behaviors leaving many questions unanswered (Wilbur, 2000).

Coveney, P., & Highfield, R. (1995). Frontiers of Complexity: The Scientist's Search for Order in a             Chaotic World. New York: Fawcet Columbine.
McLeod, S. A. (2008). Reductionism and Holism. 
Ostreng, W. (n.d.). The Gribbin Syndrome and Entities of Knowledge Integration. Centre for Advanced  Study .
Raman, V. (1995). Reductionism and Holism: Two Sides of the Perceptions of Reality. 
Wilbur, K. (2000). A Theory of Everything: An Integrated Vision for Business, Politics, Science, and            Spirituality. Boston: Shambahala.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in graduate paper writing service if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom research paper writing service.

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