Thursday, February 14, 2019

Holism vs. Reductionism

         We learn to spell the word Czechoslovakia by breaking it into two separate words. We have to memorize the most difficult and tricky part of the word, ‘Czech’ and gain confidence in adding the more obvious and easier part of the word ‘Slovakia’. Also mentally learning to multiply 13 × 12 involves breaking the multipliers to much simpler factors and adding them. It is much faster for those who mentally calculate through the formula (13 ×2) + (13 ×10) = 156. We genuinely do not have the memory of remembering the tables from one to 20. Helpfully the use of factors has helped a great deal. 

Textbooks for elementary sciences educate young people about smaller fractions of divisions that are achievable. The textbooks show that all matters are from many molecules and molecules of much smaller atoms form the proton, electron, and neutrons. Thus, it is not difficult in understanding the reasons why the analytical behavior is part of our natural instincts. Reductionism is, therefore, the attempt to understanding something complex by breaking it into small units and constituents parts as the main aspect of our primary educational structure. For the case of system thinking, it incorporates Holism as its main tenet. This essay compares the holism and reductionism approaches of Systems Thinking.
         Holism has the idea that all properties of systems cannot be only by its parts. So the question is how one can visualize holism that is around us. Reductionism happens all around our daily lives and appears in any analysis that we do. Holism is all around us all we have to do is to design our memories in examining the wider picture and not the constituent parts of the whole. There are in fact other systems that cannot be explained by using a pure reductionist approach (Sage, 2000). For example life by itself is a phenomenon that is holistic. In living systems organization comprises of a collection of atoms. Holism is a view in which the properties of individual elements in a complex structure are by the relations they have with other elements. It means the whole is much more than its parts in a sense that the whole properties are from the patterns of systemic relations and interactions among its parts. Thus, it is not simply from their atomic aggregative, meaning the non-relational properties. In other words, the aggregative, social implications of individual components are unintended. Thus, holism is an encompassing view derived from the knowledge of functions, properties and nature of components as well as their relationships and interactions to the whole (Rebenik and Matjaz, 2000).
         Holism considers that the relationship between the parts of a system is symmetric more than reductionism. It focuses on the relations among the sub-standard systems meaning their interaction, inter-dependency, and inter-connectedness. Therefore in holism the natural system, as well as its properties, is viewed as a whole and not the collection of individual parts. Holism is more about the whole and not the differences from the parts sum (Abramoff Etti, 2004.)
         Reductionism is the worldview through which a complex system or phenomena is broken down into concept chunks and smaller chunks to be measured and analyzed. The main basis of reductionism is essential in understanding of the simple systems and inanimate things (Verschuren, 2001). In technology and business world, understanding reductionism helps in solving problems. Thus when addressing a problem. The reductionism approach helps in analyzing the individual properties of a whole. A complex system needs to be broken down into individual parts with each one of them being studied individually by use of a wide range of approaches. It helps in analyzing a system by describing its subsystems from which makes up a system. It does not consider the relation of the sub-standard systems. Thus, reductionism takes into consideration the biological systems that comprises of molecules of certain molecules and structures composed of atoms. It means that reductionism understand the nature of a complex entity by breaking it into more fundamental and simpler components (Hauc, Anto, and Vrecko, 2006).
Compare and contrast
            For holism, there is no need to make contradictions between of the sum of parts while reductionism looks as the relationships of the parts of a system. Holism takes the view that phenomena on a single level can that level emergent and a higher level entity is an interrogation product between the parts (Jackson, 2006). Reductionism takes the view that an entity on a single level should be an aggregate and congeries of entities at a substrate. It considers the lower level that the behavior and properties of a higher level in terms of their behavior. The properties of the constituent and much lower level parts in isolation. When dealing with complex systems, the classical reductionist approach may not work (Gatherer, 2010).
          It is because the emergent nature of outputs being studies may not be by the study of the contributing parts, but it needs studying the interactions between the parts that help in determining the outcome. Thus, reductionist models do have value in some situations and addition to systems toolkit helps us deal with approximations when the simple models are valid or when not. Reductionism approach is a technique for solving problems in sciences among other related disciplines. Solving problems through reduction means transforming a problem to subunits and deducing or constructing a solution from the original problem.
         Reductionism is a beneficial approach for exploring a complex area that needs its exploration in isolation from one another and how they impact on one another. Holism looks at the features of a system by including all elements at every level in which a system operates. In such a case, the wider system is not subdivided into a sub-optimal action (Checkland, 1993). Reductionism and Holism are philosophies used for solving business management problems. Reductionism works at various levels. At the lowest level being the attempt to explain behavior in terms of behavior by looking at brain structure, genes, and Neurochemical. At the highest level of this method is the socio-cultural level that aims to provide explanations of behavior depending on how and where we live. At the extremes are the social, cognitive and behavioral explanations. Humanist believes that holism approach is only valid when we gain complete understanding or behavior and mind (Khazanchi, Lewis, and Boyer, 2007).

Abramoff Etti.2004. Risk Management More Holistic Approach. Journal of Insurance Regulation; Vol. 22, p71-81, 11p

Checkland, P (1993) Systems Thinking Practice, Chichester. Wiley Publishers, UK.

Gatherer, D 2010. So what it means that systems biology is holistic? BMC Systems Biology. 42.

Hauck, Anto, and Vrecko Igor. 2006. Strategy start-up and strategy implementation through the production of multiple projects. Journal of Communications and Information Sciences. No.1.vol3.issue1.7

Jackson, Micheal.2006. Complex Problem Solutions and Creative Holism systems approach. Behavioral Science and Systems Research, 23(5), 647-657.

Khazanchi S., Lewis, K, and Boyer, K.2007. 11 Organizational values, Process Innovation. Journal of Operational Management. 25 (4), 871-881.

Sibenik Miroslav, Matjaz Mulej. 2000. 12 entrepreneurship, Requisite holism, and isolating mechanism. Kybernetes, Vol 29, 1126-40.

Sage, A (2000) systems engineering education. On Man, Systems, and Cybernetics. Reviews and Application. 30, p, 164–74.

Verschuren, Piet. 2001. Modern Social Science reductionism versus holism. Quality and Quantity journal, 35(4). 389-405.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in graduate paper writing service if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom research paper writing service.

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