Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Argumentative essay on mobile phones

Presently, mobile phones are a popular tool for everyone in the society. They are common facilities for all ages and many people from different parts of the globe including children are using mobile phones. People use mobile phones to communicate with two or more people everywhere and every time. Most people are buying this gadget because of the benefits that it offers even without looking at the possible disadvantages and risks that come with the device. It is evident that mobile phones are changing the world and mostly the way people are communicating.

 Using mobile today is popular for all ages, and there are many arguments in support and against the use of mobile phones. In this essay, I support the claim that mobile phones are good; however, I will also present counter arguments against the use of mobile phones.
The argument against the use of mobile phones focuses on the risk imposed on users. Opponents claim that the regular use of mobile phones can increase the susceptibility to brain cancer or brain tumor. Dr. Christopher Newman, a Maryland neurologist, filed an $800 million lawsuit against Verizon Communications Corp, Motorola Inc, Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems, Bell Atlantic Corp, and Southwestern Bell Mobile System. He claimed that radiation from his mobile phone handled his malignant brain tumor (DiSabatino, 2000). The case dismissed because to lack of evidence; however, people claim that just two minutes of exposure to the emission of mobile phones can disable a safety barrier in the blood. Thus, it will cause proteins and toxins to leak into the brain and increase the chances of developing Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and also brain tumor.
Another counterargument against the use of mobile phone regards the environmental threat. With the increasing new mobile phones in the market, the discarded old handset can poison the environment. Opponents of mobile phones claim that the mechanism for disposing of the cell phones and its components are a threat to the environment. According to global consultancy Deloitte, there is a growing need for better managing the rising mobile phone waste because it is posing a threat to the environment. Gowd et al. (2013) argues that mobile phone connectivity in the society tends to alter the landscape of human beings in different beneficial ways. However, it creates the environmental exposure to invisible, Electromagnetic fields.
Opponents of the use of cell phones claim that cell phones tend to cause more accidents that drunks. In support of this claim, opponents quote the National Safety Council annual, injury and fatality report that found that cell phones cause about 26 % of nation’s car accidents (Kratsas, 2014).  From this number, only 5% of cell phone related car crashed occur because the driver is texting. The larger percentage of the accident involves drivers distracted while they are talking on handheld or hands-free cell phones.
With the increase of the mobile phone use, some people are considering not using the technology because they emit radiofrequency radiation. Research shows that radiofrequency radiation tends to damage the DNA. A peer review journal of Neuro-Oncology did test the effects of cell phone radiofrequency radiation on brain cells of mice (Cogulu, et al. 2012). The study concluded that radiation can damage the DNA and also change then gene expression in brain cells. Thus, opponents are using the study findings in arguing against the use of cell-phones.
Argument in support
I consider mobile phones as being very important in our daily lives. Opponents against cell phone claim that they cause radiation. However, the radiofrequency radiation from a mobile phone is non-ionizing, and it is not powerful to cause cancer. The ionizing radiation tends to produce molecules referred to as ions, and they either have too many or few electrons. Ions normally damage the DNA or cause cancer. However, the mobile phone radiation is non-ionizing, and it lacks enough energy to remove or add electrons from molecules. Hence, it cannot ionize and cause cancer.
The use of the mobile phone when driving is not very unsafe. Most activities that tend to distract drivers are more dangerous than talking on the phone (Iliaifar, 2013). Research indicates that cell phone use is less than 1% of accidents. Adjusting the CD player or radio, drinking, eating, and talking to passengers when driving, handles more accidents than when using a mobile phone.
I support the use of mobile phones because it usually increases personal safety and mostly during emergency situations. The Wireless Association states that more than 400,000 wireless 911 calls made daily. The benefit achieved with the use of mobile phones while emergency situations tend to be undisputed.

In the 21st century world that we live, there are numerous advancements aimed at helping us in our daily life. One of the things is the mobile phone as everywhere one looks, there is a mobile phone. I support the use of cell phones because of the convenience they offer and also very helpful during the time of emergency.

DiSabatino, J (2000). Brain cancer victim sues the cell-phone providers for $800 million. 
Iliaifar, A (2013). Hold the phone! New study says that talking and driving not as dangerous as we think. 
Jauhari, S Gupta, R & Gowd, P (2013). Determination of invisible environment pollution due to cell phones EMF radiation and projections for 2030 Current World Environ 8 (2).
Karaca, E Durmaz, B Irgi, M & Cogulu, O (2012). The genotoxic effect of the radiofrequency waves on mouse brain Journal of Neuro-oncology 106 (1).
Kratsas, G (2014). Cell phone use causes over 1 in 4 car accidents USA Today.

 Carolyn Morgan is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in paper college 24/7. If you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom nursing papers.

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