choice of the norm to violate must consider the risk
of the environment. Some may course humor while other can cause
chaos. I feared to repeat what others had gone through for
breaking the norms. Typical situation,
I came to decide to receive loudly a phone
call the church
Basically in the churches it
is unethical to pick phone calls especially
when people are quite The reason that made me select this
norm was that
I was sure no
one would harm me since people in the church
usually do not react violently.
Reactions Before, During
and after Receiving a Phone Call
church got packed
to capacity. I sat in the midst raw
that was usually a section for mothers
and young ladies.
I chose to receive a call in the church
because there were a lot of people who
I would experience their reactions.
The church was
usually characterized worshipers of different ages since it got
located in the metropolitan. Other churches often gather
there for annual
meeting services. This day was
the day. I was
quite sure that
it was a great
spot to violate the norm. I patiently
waited when the congregation had
sat enjoying and meditating on the summon. I silently
flashed my friend who was not in the
church to call me as we had planned
for the norm
violation. At the time when all
were quiet, my phone rang with a loud hip hop
ringtone. ‘Hallo my friend, I am coming
to see you, now I am held somewhere,'
I conversed with the caller. The whole
congregation turned them angry looking faces
on me. I could feel the person sitting near me pinching me to stop talking on the phone.
The group felt
disappointed. I was apparently violating a norm by picking a phone call where
the society prohibits. Others stared at one another with surprises. I could hear murmurs that signaled disappointment. The preacher on the either
hand stood helplessly watching me. I saw wrinkled faces staring
at me expressing their unhappiness
with my kind of awkwardness.
Others never uttered a word but what
they experienced evident their emotional reactions. Other pointed
fingers at my to show me the way out of the
I felt weird
for violating the norm. I can ascertain
that the awful
feelings were more compared to the
particular standard that I had violated. Sincerely,
I did not enjoy time to break the
rule but it
assisted me to prove that was not a great
deal to do unusual
On completion of picking the call,
I felt stupid and awkward. I was
aware that the
act would ruin my image. Picking a phone
call in the church is something that will never
do by choice. The violent reactions
like angry stares were enough to reflect a punishment.
From the learning
perspective, it was a great experience.
Becoming courageous to do it made
me sweat and nervous to the way
it could go. But after it had
passed I knew that it was
an ordinary act. As I try not to become
standard norm breaker, I now knew
that if I want
to violate a rule I will think of the place
I will be.
Lesson Learned
from Norms and Social Control
first lesson I learned from this norm violation was
that social come from the proper construction
of the society. Norms do not bind
people with legalities. Therefore, the promotion
of societal norm is a responsibility
of those people around us. Norms are therefore in the society to make
people comfortable and stay respectably.
Two, the society
have many mechanisms
that act as control agents in norm violation.
This issue gets
supported by the fact that when
a norm is violated people have many ways
to react to it. In this case some
frowned, my neighbor pinched me to stop talking while other
gestured me to go out of the church. The
preacher, on the other hand, controlled
himself by just staring at
Three, a norm is only violated in the
context of the setting. For instance,
when to picking the call while
outside it is not norm violation and could attract no attention.
Therefore, some common things that are conventional and useful
in the society can turn to standards when applied at specific
places. If the
acts get done
socially restricted area, it meets
in the society aim at there to comfort
our interactions. Norm violation is, therefore, personal choice to spoil the pleasure
we share as a community. Violating of the standards makes one be avoided and have
both self and
negative public image.
To conclude, the
society has different ways to promote norm
observation in the community. Different reactions people show
when a rule is violated aimed at discouraging further violations. Since standards emanate from our social integrations, every person needs to observe
and promote them for social well-being.
Healthy behaviors get therefore approved,
and violations get disapproval in the norm social
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in legitimate paper writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order from best custom research papers.
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