Risks management
is becoming an area of development in many companies and institutions because
of the prevalence of risks in today’s technology world. The risk is the likelihood that something
will happen and the extent of losing that arises from the activity of
The losses that occur from the risks can be direct or indirect. Whether the losses are direct or indirect, they can result in speeding many resources to addressing them. It is thus essential to implement strategies that can help to make sure that risks are properly managed.
The losses that occur from the risks can be direct or indirect. Whether the losses are direct or indirect, they can result in speeding many resources to addressing them. It is thus essential to implement strategies that can help to make sure that risks are properly managed.
Major Strategies
and Consult
communication as well as consultation is aimed at identifying the people that
are responsible for the assessing risks, identifying, analyzing and evaluating
including those who will be responsible for treating, monitoring and reviewing
the risks. Those people ought to have an in-depth understanding of the basic
decision-making as well as the reason why specific actions are in requirement (Culp, 2001).
the Context
The establishing
the context involves defining the parameters that should be taken into account
during risk management and it is where risk scope and the criteria are set for
the remaining process. The process needs
a deeper consideration and particularly the way it relates to the scope of the
risk management process being used. The establishment of the context follows a
five-step process according to Standards Australia and the Standards New
Zealand (2004). The first step is the establishment of external context; next
is the internal context, risk management context, development of a risk
evaluation criteria and lastly defining the risk analysis structure.
The concept of
risk identification is the basic step in risk management. Risk identification
helps to reveal the potential risks that occur as well as the other events that
do occur frequently. The investigation of risks takes place by looking at the
activities of enterprises in all directions and then trying to introduce new
exposures that may arise in the future due to the changes in the internal and
external environments. The risk identification takes place correctly; that can
ensure that risk management is effective (Tcankova, 2002).
The aim of risk
analysis is to assess the potential effect of exposure as well as the likelihood
of that particular outcome occurring. It is crucial to consider the effect of
the risk in case it occurs under the elements of quality, resource, time and
benefit. The risk analysis step helps to determine the probability and the
result of a negative effect and then to estimate the level of the risk through
combining the probability as well as the consequences (Erhorn, 2007).
Before the
probability of a risk is determined, risk tolerance needs to be considered. The
enterprises consider the amount or risk that they are willing to take and
making decisions between acceptable and unacceptable risk. Risk evaluation is
crucial for making sense in particular situations and offers enough material
for making decisions (Vrijling et al., 1995).
The aim of carrying out this step is to make decisions on whether to
accept or to treat risks.
The risk
treatment entails the selection and implementation of one or more alternatives
for treating risks. Risk treatment
options that have been proposed by Standards Australia and Standards New
Zealand include risk avoidance, change the occurrence likelihood, change the
outcome, share the risk or retain the risk (a risk can be retained when it is
at the acceptable level).
and Review
Risks monitoring
and review are important, and they are integral steps in the risk management
process. It is important to monitor risks so as to make sure that the changing
environment does not change the risk priorities and also make sure that the risk
management process remains effective in its design and operation. The risk
management process should be reviewed at least once a year so as to make sure
that there is the inclusion of new ideas to increase the scope of risk
management (Iverson, D2013). The process of risk management is
cyclic in nature and it integral to management. The critical success factors
should be put in place to ensure that the risk management procedures are
properly leveraged.
Organization is
facing some risks according to the uncertainty conditions. For that reason, the organizations emphasize
on risk management. Also, effective risk management is helpful in increasing
the success of projects. The process of managing risk entails risk
identification, analyzing, evaluating, treatment, communication and
consultation, monitoring, and controlling risks. Risks are all around us, and the risk
management process is becoming increasingly complex and decentralized. For that
reason, companies need to develop the right strategies to make sure that risks
are properly managed so that they can run in a risk-free environment. The success of the risk management process is
also having a common definition of risk and ensuring that everybody in the
organization understands it clearly.
Culp, C. L. (2001). The risk management process: Business
strategy and tactics. New York: J. Wiley.
Erhorn, F. (2007). Applied Risk Management Strategies in
the field of M&A. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
Iverson, D. (2013). Strategic risk management: A practical
guide to portfolio risk management. Singapore: Wiley.
Australia and Standards New Zealand (2004).
Australia/ New Zealand Standard
Risk Management AS/NZS 4360:2004. Standards Australia, Sydney/Standards New
Zealand, Auckland.
L. (2002). Risk identification; basic stage of risk management.
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